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Comment Re:you cannot fight the tide (Score 3) 407

When the world offers you endless numbers of reasonably well-trained workers who can fill your job openings at 1/2 the cost of US workers, what is a country to do? How long can a country resist that pressure?

Uh, don't you have this backwards? How long can a country deliberately eviscerate it's working class and expect to remain stable? On the one hand, a working stiff is supposed to amass 5-6 figures in student loans for a top degree, but then have to compete with third world labor?

We may politically shout for better wages and training for US citizens to fill these jobs, but the deeper issue is that borders/barriers are less and less effective lately against a flood of competition from people who are cheaper and better (or hungrier).

Which is why Germany produces twice as many cars as the United States while it's workers are getting paid twice as much. You seem to think that this race-to-the-bottom is the natural order of things, rather than deliberate policy purchased by monied interests.

H1-B is about expanding the labor pool, not because of a shortage of labor, but to force down prevailing wages for the benefit of corporate employers.

Comment You wet the bed on command for the NSA? (Score 1) 191

That it is their opinion makes it a good enough reason, because national security is not the business of the Court.

What, it's not enough to believe scenarios too crazy for a season of 24, you have to be a complete fascist at the same time? My, what a nice blackshirt you have, my dear.

Comment Not news. Clickbait. (Score 1) 94

It's a big neon sign for the people who don't like Apple to come in and talk about how they are SO OVER Apple, and Jobs was a deushbag anyway. Samsung has their own marketing fluff - hell they just came out with new Galaxies - but that's not linked here, because people don't make a point of saying they are SO OVER Samsung.

Over and over and over again.

Comment Re:Way to piss off customers, Apple. (Score 1) 193

Ok let's assume that both watches have zero features. Because they do. I can ask anyone what the time is, and if I'm in range of my phone from my watch I could pick up the phone.

Is "anyone" going to also tell you what time you had your alarm set for? How about relay that text from your wife when you're in the middle of a meeting?

Or would you spend $500 on something that last 3 years and then needs to be replaced?

Traditional watches can have their batteries replaced. iPods/Pads/Phones can have their batteries replaced, and their software updated. If only there was something that could be done here.....nah, nevermind.

Comment Re:Brilliant idea (Score 1) 193

No way that's getting replaced with something that will be obsolete in a few months.

This canard. It is not as clever as you guys think it is. People who have been happy with the feature set on phones, which haven't changed much in the last 30, 40 , 50 years, will suddenly stop their feet and go home because the 2015 iWatch only has 100 features but the 2017 model will surely have 135?

Comment Re:Randian Dumbfuckery (Score 1) 318

Umm... mine is backed by large amounts of research

You misspelled "crackpot talking point that doesn't withstand two seconds of scrutiny":

Adams' interpretation of the data rests on the notion of risk compensation, the idea that individuals tend to adjust their behavior in response to what they perceive as changes in the level of risk.

Adam's interpretation utterly ignored the fact that cars are not free, nor is fixing them. The time a crash is severe enough for a seat belt to save your life strongly correlates to the time the car is totaled and not worth the cost of repairs. His canard is dependent on people freely getting in wrecks because the seat belt will prevent injury - nevermind having the expense and hassle of getting another car to replace it with. So his canard is another crap talking point, starting with a conclusion and then working it's way back to an argument based on lying with statistics, wishful thinking, and confirmation bias.

Just like the fool who posited that a Hummer is more efficient and environmentally friendly than a Prius.

Comment Re:All modern law is a recipe for selective enforc (Score 1) 150

If the cops aren't required to arrest everyone who commits any arrestable defense, then by definition you have selective enforcement.

Cops and prosecutors don't have unlimited resources, so by definition they have to pick and chose which laws to enforce. Ideally, this means they threaten the 19 year old who gets it on with her 16 year old boyfriend with probation rather than having to register as a sex offender for the next 30 years, and instead focus on the deputy mayor who got caught slapping his wife around. It doesn't mean sending Kirkarou to prison for three years for revealing some of the CIA's torture, and then giving Petreaus a slap on the wrist for using beyond-top-secret information to impress his mistress.

Our entire system of law is actually designed for it.

That's sounding a little Randian. The solution to corrupt actors within the state isn't to get rid of the state, but the corrupt actors.

Comment How about less elitism instead (Score 1) 397

Most people who are in college, shouldn't be attending.

Because their parents were middle class, not upper class. That might not be your intent, but it's the result.

And finally, the quality of those liberal arts degrees has declined in a lot of colleges. Humanities degrees are nothing more than Marxist indoctrination diploma mills.

What a finely pressed brown shirt you have, my dear.

Maybe promote American industry instead of allowing Wall Street to gut it?

That would require putting away the shirt and taxing the rich at socialistiky levels and undoing the damage of capitalism with socialistiky programs.

Comment another Temporarily Embarrased Millionaire (Score 1) 324

Nobody is lining up to give poor people professional baseball teams, or choice executive positions at energy companies. Nor does a poor working stiff who just finished a hard day of running pipes or installing drywall open his motel door in the middle of the night to see women looking to have sex with him.

So is opportunity just getting what you want?? Or is it having a specific income level??

It's not being willfully obtuse as to how this country, and capitalism in general, actually works.

Comment Re:Easy as 1-2-3 (Score 1) 269

Must be the magic fairy dust foxconn spreads on the exact same parts and the competing PC.

Foxconnn will build what you pay for. You want a cheap POS? They'll build you one. You want decent components that wont die two years after the warranty? They'll build that too.

Comment Re:Easy as 1-2-3 (Score 1) 269

As someone who did tech support for Macs many years ago, I cant buy them being more robust or reliable.

Because you're a Hateboi. Too bad Apple has placed at or near the top of hardware reliability since the Jurassic age.

Pretty much anything you can get from a Mac these days can be gotten from another manufacturer for less money.

If you're a sophist who thinks that a 7 lbs plastic brick is the same thing as a 3 lbs machine aluminum laptop because they have the same processor, sure. Comparable products cost comparable prices.

Except the wank factor of course.

Your projection is noted. Look, Zombie Jobs isn't holding a gun to your head. If you don't like Apple products....try...not buying them. I have no use for a large-screen phone or one with a curved screen, but you don't see me whining at length about Samsung the company. I just buy what I want that does what I want.

Try it some time.

Comment Hateboi Tautology (Score 1) 269

So a journalist becomes persona non grata with Apple, can't get information about The New Big Thing until long after their competitors have published articles about it, so they get a reputation for being slow to publish about new stuff and probably end up with a reputation for recycling other peoples information because they can't get anything from Apple.

Apple isn't the Deep State. It's MO is not to have "senior officials" make breathless claims to the WaPo or the NYTimes to be written down as fact in the Sunday edition. Their MO is to have the "big reveal" at a public event.

So 1) what you're talking about doesn't exist 2) ignores the plethora of clickbait in trolling Apple. See: John Dvorack in the 90's, or for the damn kids out there....just about any story on Slashdot. Like this one.

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