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Comment Re:They just can't do it, cap'n! (Score 1) 605

I think the greatest mistake in the history of computing is microsoft releasing a stupid OS for a multitasking-multiuser capable cpu (286). It became ridiculously popular and the desktop computer managed to make the leap and go multitasking (amongst other things) more than a decade later, which, in computer terms, is longer than forever.

Comment Re:Software/hardware (Score 1) 34

Yeah, but this time, the ISA is complete, the *actual hardware* though doesn't exist and it is not very likely it will change a lot (besides bugs and optimisations, i would guess).

so the design exists, the software is ready for it (as ready as it can be, considering that only the specification exists) but a hardware instance doesn't yet exist.

Sorry i can't describe it any more accurate, english is not my mother tongue.

Comment Re:"Uses an X86 Processor" (Score 2) 587

the MOST IMPORTANT thing that you are missing is that games on the pc are largely singlethreaded, that is why the fourcore i5 is slightly better choice for a gaming rig than the 8350

however, this move by sony will force developers to actually USE the eight cores of the amd64 cpu in order to get performance out of the 2GHz eight-core cpu

you can imagine what this means for pc gaming.

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