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Comment Want to ursurp Google, MS? (Score 1) 596

Here's my observation based on use of both search engines:

MS doesn't copy Googles results. If they did, Bing would actually return useful results.

When I need to search Microsoft's Knowledge Base, I use Google. Bing returns useless info half of the time for me. When your competing search engine returns better results that your own, on your own website, you can't consider yourself having a useful search engine.

Comment I remember seeing this! (Score 1) 262

I was in college at the time as a music major. I had just started to get interested in the Internet due to the fact that I could search for almost anything by telneting to other Universities and NASA.
My thought when I saw it on the TV was "duh, isn't it just the next ARPAnet?"

When people started talking about this newfangled thing about the same time, called the World Wide Web, I thought "Why can't I telnet to the web? Sounds like something I should Gopher."

Comment Re:It takes a special kind of stupidity (Score 1) 252

I can vouch for the killing ability of owls. Several years ago we had many feral cats in the neighborhood that were, for lack of a better description, breeding like rabbits. I was outside after midnight and was watching two kittens bounce across my lawn. They paused for a second and during that instant, an owl flew out of our pine tree and grabbed one of the kittens. I believe it was a barred owl judging by the size. Being an animal lover, it was hard to watch and hear a kitten being killed. However, also as an animal lover, I couldn't help but marvel at the hunting ability of an owl in the dead of night.

Comment Re:ask to see a server they configured (Score 1) 453

Agreed. I had one interviewer last year ask for access to previous customer data. I used to work in the Banking and Energy Generation/Supply industries, so I simply told the interviewer that I value my business relationships too much to turn over confidential information to a stranger. If you want to know if someone knows how to configure Samba, give the applicant the criteria you want fulfilled, have them write a smb.conf file, run testparm against it, and then see if it fulfills your criteria. Every admin has their personal preferences how to code and solve problems. If you find someone who can solve yours, let them do what they do best and hire them.

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