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Comment Re:why 10 years? (Score 3, Informative) 20

Supernovae are transient events. So it will fade. 10 years from now, the light will reach us again, after it's travelled a different route. RTFS, it's right there:

"The supernova will appear again in the next 10 years, as its light takes different paths around and through the gravitational lens."

In other words, some of light got lensed into taking the scenic route, and will show up later.

Comment The last sentence was interesting.... (Score 2) 114

"She also accused Lenovo and Superfish of invading her privacy and making money by studying her Internet browsing habits".

To me, this was more interesting than all the rest. It has the potential to break the big telcos, cable companies, Google, and anyone else who makes a living by tracking your browsing habits to server you "targeted advertising".

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