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Comment Re:Touché (Score 1) 164

Hilarious; I had grep aliased to "grep -i --color=auto" because the idiots have deprecated GREP_OPTIONS. A lesson in unexpected interaction (-i and -v in this case).

I fixed my alias. Thank you for leading to me finding my bad practice.

Comment Re:Infinity (Score 1) 1067

Secondly your "rule two" is not actually rule of algebra. There is no rule x/x = 1.

With the domain defined as finite real numbers, I don't believe you, and furthermore I can't believe you would state such an absurdity. It is the fundamental identity.

Multiply both sides by x:
x/x = 1
x = 1 x
x = x

If that ain't the most fundamental rule of algebra, I don't know what is.

Comment Re:The downside is taxpayers... (Score 2) 283

Thank you for pointing out that the needy ought to receive more than a patchwork of bandaids. As a long-time flirter with libertarianism and a hater of nanny state excess, it does nonetheless seem to me that unconditional basic income is an idea whose time is due. It should also not involve insulting hoops to jump through to qualify. I do think that basic housing and basic nutrition and of course basic healthcare do need to be separated from any "mad money" which could be squandered unwisely and self-destructively.

I shouldn't have to, but wearily I hasten to add that frivolous shit must not be allowed to squeeze into these programs. That means frivolous cosmetic surgery, frivolous sex-change mutilation, degenerate drug binging, etc. Not as part of the social compact. Clothing is a tough one. Everybody should have shoes on their feet and adequate clothing for working and living without gross shabbiness, but no one should be able to spend their life preening on public money.

Comment Re:Shared hosting (Score 1) 97

VPSs have exactly the same situation. You end up on an overloaded host with other VPSs hogging CPU and bandwidth like crazy, and they hate you if YOU use too much.

Where the VPS wins is that you have your own IP, so other users can't get that IP blacklisted (unless the whole block gets blacklisted).

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