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Comment Re:That's partly how it should be (Score 1) 190

Yes, the credit card company is the defrauded entity, but you understand that they are not the ones who suffer the monetary loss. Don't you? The credit card issuer passes on the cost of the fraud to its customers in the form of account charges. Ever wonder why if you lend your money to an institution you are lucky to earn 1% interest - but if a credit card issuer lends you money, it will cost you in excess of 20%?

Some of that is waste and abuse and obscene profits. And some of it is credit card fraud.

Comment Re: Because of the action of a few ... (Score 1) 195

Hello white supremacist filth.

Your use of the term 'animals' to describe followers of a popular religion betrays you as an obvious racist. Do not deny it. The language you are using is a politically correct 'code word' that hardcore racists use to avoid public scorn. You are fooling nobody.

I am far more concerned about the rise of fascism whose support base has appeared to increase. This is a far greater threat than radical Islam or any other form of extremism and has historically resulted in far worse atrocities.

The above poster, as well as all other fascists must be dealt with by any means necessary to prevent fascism from taking hold to avoid another holocaust or similar atrocity. Fascism is a disease and all of its adherents must be destroyed.

The term "animals" was used to describe people who slit the throats of innocents and blow them up; not people identified by religion - AND YOU KNOW IT. You can take your accusations of "code language" and STUFF THEM. Words mean what they say. If you want to make up meaning in the unknowable mind of a speaker, no one can stop you. Even if the shit you make up is stupid, use of your own mind is your right. But accusing people based on those fantasies of yours is the lowest form of scum sucking.

Take your threats against identified posters, from the safety of your anonymous post, and ram them up your ass.

Comment Dear Town of Granby (Score 1) 152

Town of Granby: you SUCK! That insulting enough for you? OK, you're all probably a bunch of pedophiles and suck your mothers' dicks! Stop trying to emulate Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, and Mao Tse Tung! Oh, and come and get me, YA TURDS! Do I sound cowed to you?

P.S. - there is no threat implied or expressed in my speech, but an insult, maybe. Earth to Granby. Nobody has a right not to be insulted. Nobody even has a right not to FEEL threatened. For all I know, the boogie man is going to get you. Or me.

Comment Re:Mint 15 (Score 2) 300

'sudo bash' and 'sudo -su root' do the same thing.

Wrong, genius. See which one runs /root/.bash_profile and which one doesn't. See which one gets PATH set to root's path and which one doesn't. Neither of yours does.

sudo -i is probably the command you are reaching for. Very similar to sudo su -. Whichever one you are comfortable with. They both do a true root login.

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