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Comment Re:Same question as I had more than a decade ago (Score 1) 198

Browser have shifted from document viewers to application platform quite a while ago now. I was mocking the OP because he seemed to imply that browser ARE document viewers when they're clearly more than that. Very clearly.

By the way, GMail doesn't suck. Nor does outlook365. Nor does amazon or any other e-commerce platform. Clearly they're not catalogs of online documents, so the shift might have been apparent and browsers are pretty good at it.

Also, in the wake of the NSA revelations by Snowden, I don't think anyone has any doubt that there are holes and zero-days in pretty much every stack of every OS out there. USB, Network, Browsers, Encryption libs, everywhere. Browsers are just at the top of the stack, so they get picked on more often.

Comment Re:Same question as I had more than a decade ago (Score 1) 198

developers want something that works everywhere, and .NET is the best of the only, crappy, solutions we have available.

Man, thnks for the laugh!. It's funny because, in a deep sense, you're right. If there ever was a competition among the "only crappy solutions we have available", I'm sure .NET will win hands down.

This from someone that writes .NET code for a living.

Java is also a strong contender over here. I'd even argue that for headless apps (CLI or deamons) it does a better job.

Comment Y'all are pro-discrimination, but it seems legal (Score 1) 1168

You're free to exercise your religion, you're just not free to acquire a business license and operate under any hocus pocus framework you want.
But it seems that there is no federal law, as written, that prohibits discrimination of customers are a business based on sexual orientation. Not even federal employment laws seem to protect LGBT, except for federal employees

But the Supreme Court can establish a precedent that the existing federal laws that protect the enumerated classes of race, national origin, religion, sex, age, and disability also cover classes not enumerated (what criteria?). Doing so would then prevent states from operating pro-religion/anti-LGBT laws until the federal laws are modified to overturn the precedent by specifically excluding LGBT. It's not so unusual, Reed v. Reed (1971) extended the reach of this clause, and Romer v. Evans (1996) is a case that is strikingly similar to the current issue.

But until that happens, the issuing of business licenses is controlled at the State and County level and remains at their discretion as long as the federal guidelines are follow with regard to the enumerated protected classes. So if your State Assembly and Governor are into the same hocus pocus as you, you can all hold hands and triumphantly expel all the gays from your community. (no, not really going to play out that way. but that's what the end goal appears to be)

(that's how this arm-chair non-lawyer sees it)

Comment Re:Tim Cook is a Pro Discrimination Faggot (Score 1) 1168

The Founding Fathers were well aware of long traditions of the early colonies to attack other Christians of the wrong sect. Puritans hanging Quakers was an early American tradition, and much of the Constitution is written so that various religious groups can coexist.

When I say "various religious groups", let's not forget that while some might consider one group to just be another denomination of Christianity, there are plenty of people who may not agree. It is unlikely that we could unanimously agree that Mormons are Christians, and I've heard plenty of bad things said by various Protestants and Catholics about the Jehovah's Witnesses. Some of the more extreme Protestants claim that Catholics build false idols of Mary and their Saints and choose to pray to them instead of worshiping God. (I'm not interested in debating what Catholics do or do not believe, I was only stating the opinion of a minority of people, as I understand it)

Comment Re:Oh For Crying Out Loud (Score 1) 161

If you've got a keylogger (or any king of process) running locally, no amount of encryption is going to save you. That's how they got some of the ISIS members, by just running a TOR node and sending infected page to everyone that got out through their node. As a result they infected ISIS members using TOR along with everyone else on the TOR network vulnerable to their infection.

Knowing they're inside the firmware of your HDDs, I think they're aware of this.

Comment Re:Without the software, Arduino is not interestin (Score 1) 92

That's fair. There is some real value in not having to write libraries and drivers from scratch for every project. I forgot that a shield isn't just a block of hardware that convenient interfaces, but usually someone has written some software for that shield that makes it pretty easy to integrate into a project.

Comment Re:Without the software, Arduino is not interestin (Score 2) 92

I don't agree. I've used Code Red, Launchpad, and others. And the tools they give you pretend to be professional tools, and seem to have a steep learning curve. Especially with Code Red wanting to upsell to a better version. But most of these free IDEs are more like trial versions to me. Adruino's crippling was done to make the process of making little gizmos more accessible, most other tools are crippling so they don't cut into other markets.

That said, I never really was much of a fan of Arduino because I don't have much use for AVR. This is me finally admitting that Adruino was pretty good, and that I may have been a little stubborn to have resisted it all these years.

Comment Without the software, Arduino is not interesting (Score 1) 92

Sure, all the little shields and things are convenient. But most folks with a search engine and some jumper wires already find out how to connect things not designed for the Arduino to their boards.

But it's the software that has made it easy for everyone to get started immediately. I've used a dozen or so development environments for embedded, and Arduino's has the easiest learning curve I've seen. It's not particularly powerful or flexible, it's not super great at debug/ICE/ICD stuff. But you can type in the few line example C program, and flash your first blinking LED program in a matter of minutes.

For platform that is not commercial and not really for industrial purposes, the software seems to aim for the best user experience. And in software development, instant gratification is the biggest motivator there is.

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