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Comment Re:Once all the data is in the cloud... (Score 1) 91

... government regulators couldn't possibly find financial irregularities by grabbing you documents from the cloud service provider, ...

The courts said you have no expectation of privacy one you put your data in the hands of a third party. Great! Let's convince all those "evil corporations" to store all their data in the cloud. Then the government can go after them any time they want. B-b

Comment Re:In time (Score 1) 591

I hope the next president does away with this BS act! Tax people that don't have health care, and charge the rest an insane amount to have health care. 0.o This act needs to go.

They are not taxing people who don't have healthcare. They are taxing people who don't have insurance. There is a difference. Making people pay for insurance does not guarantee healthcare. It guarantees that the insurance company gets paid. After paying for insurance, people may not be able to afford to go to the doctor.

Comment Re:Opportunity Lost (Score 1) 591

Only 16 out of 50 states chose to create state health exchanges, even though the law stated that by not doing the citizens of the remaining 34 states would not get federal subsidies (the whole point of the Supreme Court case).

Well, that explains why I am not getting any assistance with Healthcare. I keep seeing commercials touting how "Most people receive assistance with their premium", lies fed to us by the Federal government. When I lost my job, I was expecting that I might get some subsidy to help with my healthcare payments, but no, they healthcare portal said I do not qualify for anything, not even tax credit. I still have to pay my full healthcare premium, plus pay my taxes so that other people can enjoy not having to pay their premiums.

Comment Re:ACA - More Affordable Healtcare (Score 1) 591

My insurance has gone up over $200 a month in the last two years, and my company has switched insurance providers twice to limit the increase to only $200 a month.

That's nothing, mine went from under $200 a month for a Major Medical Policy to over $950 for the same policy. I then got a new policy on the exchange, the cheapest one possible was about $350 a month, more than double my previous premium, and it doesn't cover my kids, and the deductibles are higher.

Comment Revolutionary approach? (Score 2) 134

How is 3D printing a revolutionary approach to car manufacturing? It is not like they are actually going to use 3D printing to print the cars when they produce them in bulk. If they do, then it truly will be a supercar, because it will cost many times more than traditional manufacturing methods with less strength of materials and quality.

Comment Re:Subway...? (Score 4, Insightful) 68

your freedom of speech is hindered by not having access to telecommunications infrastructure

Nope, your freedom of speech is not dependent upon any particular means of expression. You can stand on the street corner and express your views, but nobody is required to buy you a megaphone, or internet access, or Reuters.

Comment Re:bad idea all around (Score 1) 473

This. Why don't we spend money encouraging people who want to learn a particular trade to learn the trade, rather than spend money on people who are not interested in a trade to learn the trade?
I'm sorry if it is offensive to some people, but women and men are different. I'm all in favor of giving money to women who WANT to be in CS (not to the exclusion of men, though. That would be discriminatory).

Comment Re: C++ is never the right tool (Score 1) 296

I think that using smart pointers and RAII pattern is in all respects better than garbage collection.

I agree. If I am done with a reference, I am done with it right now. If I want to delete() my reference right now, then I want to delete it right now. If I am worried about CPU cycles over memory at the moment, then I can make it put off deleting in my code. I really like Java and do most of my coding in Java, but the two things I wish were in Java is a deconstructor and the ability to recover memory for a particular object at my discretion.

Comment Re:C++ is never the right tool (Score 1) 296

Except the C++ source code navigation, which they destroyed in the C# version (after VS2008 ?). And except that the editor is no longer real-time on my machine. Which is a monster with 20GByte RAM.

I need a plugin(!) to just get proper source code navigation back.

In other words, Dumbing Down To C# has fucked up Visual Studio. I hope the Politically Correct Pussy In Charge will soon be booted into some harmless Government Chair. Get me the real C++ guys back, Microsoft. Visual Studio must be de-pussified !

I code in C++ and Java and I have noticed as well that the supposedly low-level fast code in VS is much slower than the interpreted code in Eclipse. Incredibly slow on VS is the context sensitive help. I have trouble understanding why VS is so slow. The feature set seems to be much more limited than Eclipse, so I can't imagine what it is spending all it's time doing. Heck VS doesn't even have Variable name refactoring out of the box, yet it is slow, slow, slow.

Comment Re:Additionally "computer professionals" are exemp (Score 3, Interesting) 381

These rates need to be higher, and pegged to cost of living based on location.

Not really. The exemption just needs to be removed. Full stop. If a company would like a person to work more hours, then they can pay for it. If they want to exempt their C level employees or people for whom working extra hours may increase a bonus, stock option, or company stock, then that is fine.

Comment Make the companies pay FICA (Score 1) 381

They should go ahead and make the companies have to pay FICA, unemployment, insurance, short and long term disability, calculate longevity with the company, time toward retirement, 401k contributions, company sponsored insurance and whatever else we can think of on all of those free hours. Doesn't the government realize they are missing out on a great amount of taxation because we are giving all of this to the employers for free?

Comment Re:Complete BS! (Score 1) 381

In the real world people work as much as necessary or as much as they want. I'm sure Bill Gates and Warren Buffer work far more than 40 hours/week. It's obvious that, to them, it's worth it. Now, you have to expand you horizons and see that probably a lot of people have decided that their salary is worth the time required even if they aren't billionaires and millionaires. Would they like to work less, hell yeah, but we can't all live in Greece.

Of course it is worth it to them because they own stock in the company. If they work overtime, they probably help to raise the stock price, and therefore, they get compensated for it. You and I don't get compensated for our extra work, unless we have stock in the company.

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