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Comment Re:In case you missed it... (Score 1) 75

This has been going on for years already. RunUO.

And yet utterly devoid of entertainment value.

There's an extremely high barrier to entry for new players. Which client do you install? Which of the 3 or 4 third party assist tools do you need? Where do you download all that?

Even once you get the game client up and running, you end up with choice paralysis trying to find out what server to play.

Picking a server involves shitloads of googling and visiting each of their random websites while they explain mostly in game jargon terms which settings they have, or what "era" of the game they adhere to, without really explaining what that means.

And then there's the PVP, which is a joke on every server I've ever played. No diversity. No balance. One or two templates is all anyone ever plays.

And don't forget the ganks, because PVP is dominated solely by large, organized guilds everywhere. Want to duel? Good luck. Some servers have dueling systems, but they're ghost towns.

The most popular servers all seem to have declining player populations, which isn't surprising. Any community this hostile to newcomers deserves to wither.

So yeah, I welcome the UO devs one-upping existing player run UO shards with something new. Someone needs to do it right.

Comment Re:Entitled Asshole (Score 1) 199

Or as Simpsons' Lenny would put it: "All we want is brand new, big-budget entertainment in our homes for nothing. Why doesn't Hollywood get that?"

Just because you invested an extraordinary amount of money in something doesn't mean you deserve extraordinary government intervention to guarantee you a return. If new technology undermines your business model, find another business model.

Comment Re:Sideloading by developers (Score 1) 139

The same way as, for instance, iOS. Using some proprietary developer toolkit that requires registering a developer account (which may cost money) in order to grant sideloading capability.

That's what I'm hoping will not be the case with the steam machines and I'm trying to find some empirical evidence of that. All I'm seeing so far is just a bunch of optimistic speculation.

Comment Because it's overblown (Score 3, Interesting) 610

People aren't outraged because all the rhetoric criticizing the surveillance programs was overblown. There are certainly plenty of things to be concerned about, sure. But just go read some news coverage from the time of the leaks and have a look at all the hyperbole and fear mongering. It was ridiculous.

If we want people to have a serious discussion about surveillance, then we need less fear mongering and more actionable activism. We need to get more organized and make specific proposals detailing what laws we would change and why it's so important to do so.

Instead of doing that, we just went on rants about how right we were the whole time and how evil it all is. We vomited vague, nonspecific emotion over the issue instead of proposing tangible solutions people could actually act on.

So yeah, no wonder everyone's suffering from "surveillance fatigue." I am too. And I actually care about the issue.

Comment Re:Is there any evidence of real openness? (Score 1) 139

I hope you're right, but what you wrote is still just speculation. Not proof.

What worries me is that when this thing goes live, a whole lot of people who just assumed it's going to be a totally open platform are going to be disappointed when Steam imitates every other console gaming platform by disabling sideloading or making it prohibitively difficult for ordinary users.

Comment Re:Is there any evidence of real openness? (Score 1) 139

It's going to be a game console style user experience on top of PC hardware. There's no guarantee they won't do what literally every other game console does and disable sideloading. I'm trying to find real evidence that sideloading will be permitted. Otherwise I think the sensible if yes pessimistic assumption is to assume installing apps from outside of Steam will be disabled or at least prohibitively difficult for ordinary users.

Comment Is there any evidence of real openness? (Score 1) 139

Is there any real evidence that steamOS will actually be truly open?

I know they advertised that the OS will be open source to some degree, but I haven't been able to dig up the details.

What worries me is this: if I can't sideload apps, install separate app stores, or root the system, then it's not truly open.

I'm worried steamOS will be as locked down to Steam as iOS is locked down to the iOS app store.

Is there evidence that steamOS will be more open than that?

Comment Re:I miss progressive enhancement (Score 1) 778

Progressive enhancement has not at all been abandoned. The majority of frontend developers are constantly thinking about accessibility, usability, writing semantic markup and making simple enhancements with JS, that's the standard these days, you build sites that work on any device, at any resolution with and without javascript.

The majority? Where do you work? Can I get a job there? Most of the developers I've met in Silicon Valley either A. don't have those priorities or B. pay lip service to those priorities but don't implement them competently.

But the time where the web was just web pages is gone. You just cannot build an advanced web app without javascript, it's simply not feasible.

Not everybody wants the rich experience. In the vast majority of cases, providing a non-JS experience is not extra work if you're using best practices to begin with.

When I see things like this, I shake my head:

Turn off JS on Sencha Touch's kitchen sink, see a blank screen.

And what for? None of that UI fundamentally requires JS to function. If they'd built it with progressive enhancement instead, the links would still work, just without the animations. The forms would still work, just without the fancy enhancements. But most importantly, the page would still fucking render.

Comment Re:I miss progressive enhancement (Score 1) 778

You can differentiate the JS and non-JS experiences using the same URL endpoints by sending a special HTTP header to indicate that it's an AJAX request.

That can allow the server to send back a response without the header and footer if it's an AJAX request, or send a fully composed page if it's not.

Saying that the JS and non-JS experiences are "so totally different" is just an excuse people use to ignore the non-JS scenario.

I will concede that some webapps (particularly games) cannot be reasonably hybridized in this fashion, but I think most developers jump the gun in assuming too quickly that their app is too rich for progressive enhancement.

In my experience, the vast majority of webapp projects out there could be done with progressive enhancement without creating extra work, but as time goes on developers are less and less willing to even consider the idea.

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