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Comment Re:So? (Score 1) 461

Surely you can attach in some way a printer to a digital X-ray machine?
And use a payment terminal to accept debit/credit smart cards but not bother doing accounting on a PC.
I'm sure the computer-less dentists uses many other computers, running cell phone's firmware, the land line phone, an alarm clock, microwave etc. but these are actual appliances.

Comment Re:using the OpenCL APIs is *noisy* (Score 1) 49

There's many ways it could be quiet, in the audible way, at least on the desktop :
- you use a fanless graphics card. duh!
- your GPU is integrated into the CPU, and the combination is low power enough or a big enough heatsink and fans are installed
- you got a low power midrange graphics card with a dual slot design and big enough heatsink and/or fan(s)
- you messed with the fan profile, clocks, BIOS etc. to keep it quiet
- certain high end cards are conservatively clocked to stay quiet (Quadro, Titan)

On laptop :
- you use a fanless laptop
- most laptops are shit, but perhaps there exists a good one

That's for stuff that would cause high utilization of the GPU.

Comment Re:We rolled out a few web applications ... (Score 1) 276

Easy, deploy each "web app" as a RDS app that's just a browser with a single use, blank profile and the web app as its own page. If you ever wanted a server with 120 hardware threads and 1TB RAM, now you can get it! that may be enough to run four browsers per person, for a small office at least :).

Comment Re:What's old will be new again.. (Score 1) 276

I would love single pay for email, e.g. to pay $50 for a lifetime of email, or $99 for a decade.
That is, I would love to pay for email, which is apparently how you get some clean service with a choice of squirrelmail, roundcube etc. or a local mail client.
But what I'm willing to pay seems unrealistically low.
Trouble is, I guess business like recurring monthly or yearly fees (paying them, and especially collecting them) but for consumers it might be something to get rid of.
If you piss away 10% of your income on recurring fees and your income halves, then suddenly you're paying 20% of your income on these shitty fees. Easy to cancel gym, TV etc. or even your internet access but not so much your email and similarly important "app" or service.

Comment Re:Deniers (Score 1) 525

The skeptics *are* the science lovers.

Too bad I misread this as you saying that the scientists are the real skeptics. This is what I believe. How can some people call themselves "skeptics" when they determine their belief first (belief in no warming) and then make up or repeat any bullshit they can come up with?

Climate scientists are the real skeptics, because it is their actual job. We call that "science".
So-called climate skeptics rehash bullshit, either because they fall victim to propaganda, cashed a nice $10000 check or make profit from book sales or added notoriety.

Comment Re:MS confuses GUI design with functionality (Score 1) 198

As to consistent hardware, you're saying this like this is hard or special or something. PC game makers do just fine with variable hardware. Yes, consoles have consistent hardware but that doesn't mean much. That just means you have one version of the operating system with one set of drivers that are slightly better debugged than what the PC people deal with. So what.

No, really, the memory hierarchy is a crippling difference and the game has to be reworked anyway - though DirectX 12 makes that easier.
As an example, Playstation 2 has been a bitch to emulate, because there's some extremely fast eDRAM in there for the GPU to use, and stupidly high fillrate to brute-force graphical effects in wasteful and interesting ways (later hardware such as Radeon 9700 pro and PS3 used pixel shaders instead). Only with recent and high end GPUs can we do the same shit (we'll talking hundreds of gigabytes per second of bandwith needed)

So, to run any console game (Xbox One or PS4) that exploits stupidly low latency and high bandwith between the CPU and GPU - because they're on the same die - we'll probably need future PC hardware where both the CPU and GPU are on the same chip. Alright, all Intels are like that but bandwith, GPU power and features don't match.

Comment Re:Bailout (Score 1) 133

I mean in pre-modern times, where I believe it to be very valuable.
Even today it is not that cheap to the average African, as it has to be priced at least as much as diesel fuel.
While the idea of throwing boiling oil on people who assault your castle is popular, they rather used pitch http://theurbanabo.com/urban_h...
If I were an evil overlord I would certainly consider throwing political enemies in a frying pan, watching while having dinner.

Comment Re:After my Transformer Infinity, never again (Score 1) 48

That's why you need an SSD, not just embedded "flash". Perhaps eMMC 5.1 flash will be good enough.
Also why a machine with a hard drive is not that bad : it writes only slightly slower than it reads, and can write a single sector. A great SSD can be 100 times better than a HDD, but the worst HDD doesn't crumble down like slow, ill managed flash does.

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