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Comment Re:Classic Open Source Arguments (Score 1) 245

I'm getting nostalgic for Ubuntu 10.04. I didn't use it for that long sadly before moving to 11.04 (with gnome2 interface), squeeze and such. But it was great and looked great, pinnacle of accomplishment just like XP SP1/SP2 seemed to be.
Its support was ended and I don't think anyone will come up and say "hey, I'll be providing backported security updates for all the packages for the next five years"!

Comment Re:Odds in the virtual world. (Score 0) 142

It happens in good games too. In Counterstrike 1.x, a real headshot from highly explosive grenade is an extremely rare occurrence, I've seen it happen exactly once!
It's not just a grenade hitting your face (or head in general), detonation needs to happen at the same time. Enemy player maybe needs to be injured beforehand, as there may be no specific damage value for a grenade headshot. I'm doubting my memory, but I'm pretty sure it happened.

Comment Re:Time to move on? (Score 1) 1746

I was well aware that my Mozilla colleagues cover a wide spectrum; this has never been an issue either at work or in our extra-curricular interactions.

But here it became an issue that spiraled out, or mothballed. The "controversy" is parasitic, or "viral". Regardless of moral opinion on this or that, the off-topic debate is a poison, I'll be more interested in end user reception of the new Firefox GUI, privacy or Firefox phones than about sticking a penis into a non-vaginal part in a monogamy context.

Comment Re:I run 16GB in my laptop and I'd like 32GB (Score 1) 353

A laptop with A4-5000 and two slots can technically take 32GB.. but the 16GB DIMMs are a bit special and unobtainable.
Someone should make a laptop that takes four registered DIMMs, Opteron or Xeon. You would have been able to have 64GB on a laptop yesterday. Good for several niches of users.

Comment Re:WE are... (Score 1) 353

Funnily I've switched from 1024x768 to 960x720 and I don't suffer from it that much. Slightly inaquate web pages stay slightly inadequate and the completely resolution agnostic ones stay good. At least I don't suffer from the "bug" of webpages displaying kilometer-long lines of text when the width is something from 1600 to 1920, that's the big issue with "old style" pages.

Yes using that res is inane, except I found it's a good thing to use on low end CRT, I created myself a mode at 90Hz. yay!

Comment Re:Why the Hell Didn't He Just Apologize? (Score 1) 1746

There's about a thousand comments in this slashdot discussion, which points at how much the issue is distracting. If he apologized and stayed CEO I bet the issue would still come up every time, this time with meta-debate about why did he rescind his position, is it pressure from Mozilla, is Mozilla infested with political correctness etc. and whatever trolls and crap still coming up.

I think the resignation is a pretty honorable act from the guy, he simply can't serve as a CEO anyway. His role as a figurehead was ruined already. Just get another figurehead.
Mozilla is not a $50 billion megacorp or a swift-boating presidential campaign, I don't think they can afford the media pollution.

Comment Alcohol, lots of alcohol (Score 1) 257

Learn how to drink great quantities of alcohol without incurring headaches. Water-flavoured "beer" doesn't cut it, you'd have to drink many liters of the thing which means too many bottles or cans around and you have to take a piss too often, and end up overworking your kidneys. That isn't healthy. Booze and other spirits is expensive and toxic. Have to keep a glass of water around else your mouth, body and eventually brain will dry.. not good.
Red wine is great, and exponentially healthier when you don't get the worst products. The better the wine, the less sulfur dioxide in it (and red wine has a ton less of it than white wine). Which gets me to the bottle. Know what? it was conceived as a container for a daily dose of wine. What's more, it's the working man's daily dose. So one bottle can last for the duration of a workday, but you can have another one after work. Of course friends, coworkers and acquaintances might drink from your bottle in which case a third one is needed. If you need to wash your mouth or you feel like it, have great beer, such as micro-brews and similar, beers that are not sterilized and alcohol content typically 5% to 10%.

Once you get it going, never give up. Depression is a serious topic, lifestyle, culinary and drink habits play a good part in curbing it. You want a stable, healthy life with reliably recurring elements in it.

Comment Re:What about 2012R2??? (Score 1) 387

No real experience apart from trying quick stuff like getting the list of running processes..
It just seems rather useless and unfathomable as an end user shell for everyday common use, the way cmd.exe and bash can be used by beginners and even computer illiterate people learning the command line.
It seems made for writing admin scripts instead, replacing .vbs, similar role to using perl scripts to administrate unix machines.
It's just alien and hard and you don't know why you would use unless you're a professional Windows admin.. It's here on Windows XP, 7 and later but no one ever use it.. If you want to ping stuff and run short sequences of commands etc. there's still old cmd and batch, so why care?

Comment Re:Gee, so only a year of screaming (Score 2) 387

Search doesn't even make sense if you don't know what's installed on the computer or don't remember every detail of what you have installed or not installed, or removed. Using the menu is also the default thing on major linux desktop environments : gnome 2, mate, xfce, lxde, even mere window managers like Openbox have a menu.

Maybe search is more useful on a laptop where the built-in pointing device is inferior to a mouse. As a desktop user on a desktop PC I find it more of a hassle, it slows the PC down a bit too. If I know the program's name I can use an auto-completing runbox anyway, from either alt-f2 or a shortcut on a panel.

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