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Comment Re:Er? (Score 1) 314

Maybe not really locale-related, but there's a really shitty issues with games on linux (moreso native ones that those on Wine, maybe). Most tend to assume you have a qwerty keyboard, e.g. they rely on WASD to move but I need ZQSD. Such stuff can be remedied with the chore of shifting some key input definitions in the game options, but sometimes I'm stuck, e.g. unable to switch to the melee weapon in Open Arena, or to open the console (but shift + that upper left key above TAB might be able to open the console if you know about it).

In the DOS/Windows world you always had qwerty games, but they would read the keyboard "raw" so no problem, keyboard behaves as if you really had a qwerty one. In Linux to play qwerty games I need to create a script that does setxkbmap us, launches the game, setkxbmap fr, and then create a desktop shortcut (which I think sucks) or a bash alias (nice, but you don't get to see a graphical list of games and their icons)

So.. I think I'd need a daemon that changes keyboard layout on the fly when I'm inputting to a qwerty game.

Comment Re: Er? (Score 1) 314

I had the same problem with Steam : Counter Strike's radio voices were in French, and I happen to find them horrendous, not suited to the game , wrong tone etc. (and in fact they were a pack made by an amateur before then!, when HL/CS were non-Steam). To get the english voices you needed to set the entire Steam in English, which would download all English content for the other games (at least when you launch them), so Half-Life was now in English instead of French and significant amount of audio data was downloaded.

Many years later (after a long period of not using Steam) I found out they got that fixed and now you can have a language setting per game.

Comment Re:Watts at idle? (Score 1) 60

Those CPU power states the operating system uses are provided by the CPU, and the supporting chipset and power circuitry on the motherboard do determine the power use at idle too. E.g. Haswell CPU have significantly lower idle power use than Ivy Bridge/Sandy Bridge, and introduce another idle power state on top of that.

Good hardware reviews sites do tell you about that. Likewise if you use a dedicated graphics card : e.g. Radeon 4870 wastes a shit ton of power even when you use it as a dummy 2D buffer (idling on the desktop in Vista/7 Basic or a 2D linux desktop) while Radeon HD 7000 or 6000 and up uses a handful of watts for that.

Comment Re:MOAR GPU (Score 1) 60

I don't think you realize the performance level of a latest Intel dual core CPU that scales between 1.0 and 2.6GHz. It's fucking good enough. Better than Pentium 4, Atom and slightly old ARM, which is what people often are actually using. If you're doing video encoding or RAW photo importing and don't give a fuck whether it takes 5 or 15 minutes, one or two hours.. Good enough, can use AVX/AVX2 for that and you can still use the computer while background processing is occuring anyway.

Comment Re:UEFI is the topic, not linux. (Score 1) 294

UEFI can be a detriment.. in that I failed to get Windows 7 to dual boot/multiboot with linux on an Asrock FM2+ mobo. Windows refused to install at all after some many tries (though I didn't try to destroy and recreate the whole partition table). So the machine ended up linux only.

Comment Re:Just wait a little (Score 1) 294

It remembers me of using the Xbox 360 controller on Windows 2003. The installer is designed to kick you out, but you can extract the .exe's archive content with a Winrar-like program, and then an .exe within the .exe, then install the .inf within Device Manager, then the gamepad works perfectly.

Comment Re:Intel (Score 1) 294

But it fucking works and is easily replaced by a card if it stops working. If you're finicky just plug in some 3COM 100Mb board made around 1999, it works too (though as an end user, you tend to not notice anything different). Also "Realtek 8111G" maybe is a bug fixed version of "Realtek 8111D", "E" and "F"?

Lately, there's Atheros ethernet network controller on motherboard too. One is "Killer NIC" and the other is the same chip but without the additional Windows software. It puts more load on the CPU whereas Realtek has a low CPU load, close to Intel.

Comment Re:Must be too old,.. (Score 1) 359

Had a graphic calculator in high school (older Casio handed by older brother) and it wasn't useful for anything anyway, besides plotting random functions to see what they look like. That's cool in itself. Some programming could be done with the extremely limited "basic", little more than hello world. Then in university, a cheaper non graphical one was mandated (but it had another line of text on top to input a statement with parenthesises, variables A through F, trig etc.). It was provided by uni and sold at 13 euros I think.

Comment Re:Who has the market share? (Score 2) 336

I think Vista is even a bit like Windows 2000 vs XP : same OS than 7 but a bit older, more traditional user interface, will be deprecated sooner but mostly does the exact same things. If I needed Windows I'd look into running it on purpose. License stickers are even sold for cheap (though I think warez versions of Windows get all updates anyway?)

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