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Comment Re:Apartheid (Score 1) 591

In China right now.
Chinese nationals require a visa to exit the country, unless willing to take the cargo container trip out of Wenzhou.
This visa can be obtained by legitimate means only in rare circumstances.
If you actually want to get it you need legitimate reasons and a moderate bribe (8 to 12 thousand yuan) or a major bribe (20 to 50 thousand yuan) and suitable connections.

Us foreign types are thankfully able to leave at will.

Comment Re:Apartheid (Score 4, Insightful) 591

>> back then the average life expectancy was about 35. So if you didn't have kids young, you wouldn't be around to raise them for long.

Slight side note there. The average life expectancy may have been 35, but remove all the infant deaths (those dying aged 0-2 years old) and the average bounces way up into the mid-60's, not so massively different to today's.

Comment Re:What does the net look like from the PRC? (Score 1) 99

I live and work in China.
The standard Great Firewall error is displayed as "Connection Reset" in Firefox.

There are two (commonly known) sets of blocking. A lengthy list of domains that never work, and content scanning temporary blocks.
The scanning works on both outgoing and incoming traffic, and once triggered for a domain will block that domain in its entirety for a given user/connection for between 5 and 30 minutes.

In essence if you search for something using the key words then you get a connection reset immediately. If your results contain key words then you will see the result list, but further access to that domain is blocked and gets the connection reset message.

In either case the block is frustrating and unpredictable enough to encourage people to modify their browsing habits.

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