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Comment Re:Discrimination (Score 1) 579

Also why is it that WP should do more to appeal to females but FB doesn't need to do more to appeal to males? An individual or organisation that tries too hard to appeal to everybody, ends up appealing to nobody. Self exclusion is not discrimination, it plain old "personal taste".

Comment Re:Sarcasm Detector (Score 1) 28

90% of the "natural language" data on the internet is sarcasm and/or trolls

The Jepordy stunt demonstrated Watson can filter out trolls better than humans and it does that by assigning credibility rankings to sources of data. Most of the work on Watson is directed at medical research, it's sources are things like the pubmed database, not slashdot comments.

IBM are sitting on a revolutionary advance in software engineering, they're not interested in selling it, they want to rent it and claim slice of whetever their "partner" organisations find. It will revolutionise research in the same way CAD/CAM and physics engines have revolutionised engineering over the last 3-4 decades and IBM look set to reap the enoumous potential of their billion dollar investment in basic research.

Comment Re:Angry mob is a no show (Score 1) 1262

This shouldn't be part of being a "public figure"....Why would you think it's acceptable? Whether in jest or not?

I was replying to my own post since I had gained the erroneous impression that menacing "vigilantes" were hanging around her home. What is it about my post that makes you (and the mods) believe I think the abusive and threatening trolls are acceptable? I can assure you I don't, I don't like wars of aggression either but they are both a fact of life, which is why I put "sadly" in the words.

Having said that, all but one of these threats was at the low end of seriousness. This woman is a professional victim and is milking the trolls bad behaviour for sympathy. You don't defeat trolls by re-posting their trolls, you defeat them by denying them their oxygen. She's a marketing major, she knows a lot more about manipulating audiences than either of us. Having watched this woman and her critics for some time now I believe TFA is a cynical attempt on her behalf to link real world violent misogyny to people who play video games, it confirms everything she has been saying about gamers - but when you peel back the marketing hype, it doesn't.

Comment Re:Apparently the trolls are out here, too (Score 1) 1262

I think you ought to consider not clicking on such articles. By that, I mean surely you've been around long enough to realise that it's the number of clicks that count when selling eyeballs. If you know upfront the content will burn your eyeballs, why click?

It's a new twist on and old journalistic trick they pull out on a "slow news day" where they advertise and run a human interest story about the people who determine TV ratings, turns out those people like watching stories about themselves and consequently the shows ratings go through the roof. Of course the trick is not to do it every week, just pull it out occasionally when they are really desperate for advertising dollars.

I've watched some of her videos and watched some of her consistently angry but peaceful YT critics. The critics win hands down, as for violent critics TFA says she received one serious death threat in a YT post with her address attached. That happens to anyone in public life, just ask John Lennon or better still, the slashdot editors, I'm fairly confident they could come up with a whole page full of threats with phone numbers and addresses that have been censored on slashdot for obvious reasons.

Aside from that, slashdot anonymity is really just decent psuedo-anonymity, making such threats on the internet and backing them up with an address is possibly one of the dumbest things a potential rapist or murder could do, they may as well just nail their drivers license to the victims forehead.

Comment Angry mob is a no show (Score 1, Troll) 1262

Damn I feel foolish now I've RTFA, she's complaining about YT trolls, there's no actual violence. One person posted a death threat with her address attached. Everyone from climate scientists to Exxon executives get that sort of shit continuously, it's (sadly) part of being a public figure.

Comment Re:Is this the missing "dark matter"? (Score 1) 85

Yeah right, brown dwarfs spontaneously arranging themselves so we can conveniently see past them from earth is a very likely scenario. The paradox that you are relying on is that an infinite number of one dimensional points on a number line cannot get you from point A to point B. Stars are not one dimensional points but yes I quite likely exaggerated when I said only the moon and sun would be visible.

Now dont discuss this subject any more unless you learn at least a few basic things.

Your post was interesting and informative but my reaction to this parting shot is - go fuck yourself you arrogant son of a bitch.

Comment Re:DSL paload + ATM = 16% (Score 5, Informative) 355

My 2x4 lumber is actually 3.5" wide.

Only if it has already been dried and dressed, it comes off the greenchain at the sawmill as 2X4 (to within 1/16th of an inch), as it dries the dimensions change, dressing the timber takes an 1/8th of an inch off each side. If a lumber yard attempted to sell you undressed timber as 2X4 that was actually 3.75 X 1.75 then the weights and measures people would definitely be interested. Here in Oz dressed timber is now advertised with real dimensions not it's undressed dimensions The practice goes way back to the days when most buildings used undressed timber for structural purposes. These days carpenters don't normally build frames on site, it's all prefab frames and roofs that just bolt together, for that technique to work it needs the more consistent dimensions of dressed timber.

Nobody is scamming you out of useful timber, the industry terminology is well defined and is not hidden from the customer. The point of TFA is that comcast's network metering methods are hidden from customer scrutiny and nobody at weights and measures seems to give a damn.

Comment Re:What are you downloading? (Score 1) 355

Mine is a single person (Aussie) household with a 200GB/mo cap. I have a RDC open 8hrs a day to work during weekdays, I watch more YT than I do TV and regularly play WoT in the evenings, often with a friend playing on my second PC. My account rarely exceeds 30GB/mo. 350GB/mo would indicate to me that either someone in your household is downloading a shitload of torrented movies (too many to possibly watch in a month), or more likely you have a malware problem.

Comment Re:Occam's razor. (Score 3, Insightful) 85

How was my reply "uncivil"? Blunt with just a hint of sarcasm certainly, but there's nothing in there that should offend someone who is genuinely interested in an answer. In fact I deliberately used the word "unaware" because "ignorant" is normally viewed as derogatory (even though it actually isn't).

If you feel a gentler more informative answer can be provided then why not provide it? I'm sure the OP is quite capable of defending himself against my prose if it has unintentionally offended him in some way that I'm unaware of. What I'm not so sure of is why do you feel the need to be offended on his behalf?

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