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LAX To London Flight Delayed Over "Al-Quida" Wi-Fi Name 339

linuxwrangler writes A flight from LAX to London was delayed after a passenger reported seeing "Al-Quida Free Terror Nettwork" as an available hotspot name and reported it to a flight attendant. The flight was taken to a remote part of the airport and delayed for several hours but "after further investigation, it was determined that no crime was committed and no further action will be taken." That seems an awfully low threshold for disrupting air traffic, since wireless access points can be had for just a few dollars these days.

Comment Re:It's risky and unlikely to succeed. (Score 1) 700

You do realize that in most real business contexts, that's absolutely no help?

Your ship schedule is your commitment. "Our supplier gave us bad parts" gets you no credit. It's no excuse, and trying to use it like an excuse will get you on the "never let them bid on anything else" list.

If you're a manufacturer, subcontractor and supply chain management is on YOU. Your customer rightly blames YOU for the problem. You, as a manufacturer, buy counterfeit parts, and it's YOUR FAULT.

Comment Re:Not the only problem (Score 1) 72

On top of that after looking through the firmware they've found that it's not custom software, but a badly configured OpenWRT build with a standard root password (set to "developer!"), an unsecured wifi ssid and sshd installed and running by default!

Interesting. Maybe "open-source", in the context that they meant it, means that all the users' private data should be open-source, rather than anything about the hardware or software.

Comment Re:Maybe you would and maybe you would not. (Score 1, Troll) 111

Lack of access to the First Lady's workout schedule is not what the people complaining about lack of transparency are upset about.

Explicit counter-example was right in parent post. David Nakamura clearly was upset about the lack of transparency in the First Lady's workout schedule.

I believe the next step is that you claim the cited example doesn't count, for reasons approximating "No True Scotsman".

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