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Comment They's right, probably (Score 5, Insightful) 90

In most places 5G (in currently envisioned form) will not happen at all due to economics of it. Outside of Japan and such we simply do not have population density to justify putting a cell unit at every lamp post (because signal is short range and does not go through walls very well).

So maybe New York and such, but that's probably it...

Comment Firmware? (Score 3, Interesting) 59

Couple years back I've revived a dead flash drive. I was following instructions I found on YouTube. The whole experience was disconcertingly painless - it was way too easy to reflash the drive with new, manufacturer supplied firmware.

So, may be the reason Symantec/Kaspersky didn't find the method used to jump the airgap is that the penetration code was in a flashdrive's firmware.
Scenario: Internet facing machine got breached by one of gazillion methods. Perpetrators sit there, collect login credentials. Then, one day, someone inserts a flashdrive. Firmware is replaced by attack code that makes the drive represent itself as a keyboard. Flash drive then inserted into an airgapped system...
Other scenarios: Given how much resources attacker has (attacks are waaay too, ahem, tailored), they might have done a postal intercept (NSA style) or even breached the flashdrive manufacturer.

There might be traces of reflashing left. Or it might be that the initial overwrite was destructive and that the poisoned flash drive was declared dead (after being plugged into a couple of other airgapped machines, just to be sure).
So it might be a good idea for Kaspersky to rummage through dead thumbdrives drawer.

Comment Salesmanship (Score 4, Interesting) 343

Those planes were designed for low cross section at frequencies used by American AA systems. Remember, during last Winter Olympics, there were photos of Russians deploying their antiaircraft systems? And there was a weird, seemingly ancient rickety thing? That, my friends, is a modern long wavelength radar. That thing sees "stealth" planes just fine.

Comment Google's tactics. (Score 4, Interesting) 193

I think Google buys all those companies just to acquire talent. Google is famous for rather hardnosed/pragmatic approach to managing it's workforce. Such an approach successfully weeds out bullshit artists (e.g. Marissa Mayer). Unfortunately this approach also fairly harsh on true visionaries.
Apparently Google thinks that because bullshit artists outnumber visionaries as 1000 to 1, it's an acceptable loss.
And to compensate for this they simply wait for other companies to cultivate the talent and then swoop in.

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