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Comment Re:Which Filesystem? (Score 2) 316

I would recommend explicit checksumming in data backup scenario. Main advantage is that this way your data is "multi-modal" (in shipping industry lingo). I.e. you can move your data between different computers, different filesystems and all the checksums move along. So when it's time to move your data to a newer disk you just copy it and you're not tied up with the choice of file system you made before. Scrubbing is easy too.

Plus you will not lose any files without noticing the fact - even when file is deleted it's still in your md5 file.

And you don't even need any scripts to handle your data - all decent filemanagers (e.g. "Total Commander" / "Double Commander" etc.) can do md5/sha/whatever on selected files on the click of a button.

Comment Re:minutes to midnight (Score 1, Informative) 252

That's bullshit. There were no bread lines in 80's (lines, indeed, were everywhere, but not for basic stuff). And Gulag for dissidents was practically over too (for casual rumblings anyway). Sure, it was a shitty place to live, but not for reasons you stated. Stop trivializing.

Comment Re:Who has the market share? (Score 1) 336

I'm in a scientific field, so here is my anecdotal take on it. Yes, I use Mac. No, I don't give a shit that it's a unix. No actual development happening with Mac as a target - everything is running on Linux servers (desktops are too puny). The only reason - Mac has better xserver comparing to what we have for windows. And IT guys refuse to support any kind of Linux on desktops.

Comment Re:Not surprised. (Score 1) 570


Happened to me too! Had to call Comcast several times until got through drones to a supervisor. He confirmed that account was properly closed, said "what's the fuck?" and faxed me a letter to send to collectors. Also, it seems, he did something on his side too - issue got resolved without any blemishes to my credit history.

Comment Re:Wrong tests (Score 3, Informative) 151

Result of Nvidia's crippling DP floating point performance on mainstream graphic cards is people started to look for ways around this bullshit.

Case in point: linear algebra libraries (like 80% of scientific computing). Basically people are modifying algorithms so that bulk of computation is done in single precision and then cleaned up in double. Those mixed mode algorithms often outperform pure DP ones even on non crippled cards (for example MAGMA library).

People don't like to be screwed with...

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