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Comment Re:supposedly obsolete tech (Score 1) 685

Hipsters flaming hipsters. I knew this day would eventually come...

It's been happening since the dawn of slashdot. What are technology cry-babies, except for hipsters that aren't cool (Just like the stereotype hipster who "likes everything before you ever did" isn't cool.

Listening to slashdot members cry tears over people using the internet in ways they don't approve (facebook, twitter, flash, ipods, etc) is so parallel to the stereotype of a hipster, but with programs replacing music and art.

Comment Re:How is that "politically correct"? (Score 1) 608

Political correctness is daintily tip-toeing around words and phrases because those words or phrases may or may not be taboo relative to modern cultural, racial, religious, sexual, etc. constructs.

A Spiderman with non-white ethnic background is just diverse. Anyone can get bitten by a radioactive spider.

No, being politically correct is respecting diversity and realizing that, for example, the white mens' club is extremely offensive to racial minorities, women, political minorities, etc. For example, being politically correct means that having a business meeting at a strip club is now frowned upon. Or, perhaps a black person might like to work in an office where being referred to as a "nigger" is banned. This is not tiptoeing. This is common fucking courtesy.

Unfortunately, many members of said club disliked losing their former free reign and exaggerated the practice to walking on eggshells, lest they make the slightest transgression against the smallest of sub-groups. This cartoon of political correctness is a shame, because most sane people believe they should be able to work in an environment without prejudice or bigotry.

There are also, however, instances when the smallest of sub-groups cry wolf and raise a big fuss. Overall theses annoyances are worth the tradeoff. For example, women can now wear pants in the workplace, which makes them much more fun to chase.

Comment Re:Lady Gaga? (Score 1) 198

Sound like Google is desperate to keep Google+ in the spotlight if they are dredging up ho bags like Lady Gaga to push it.

Well, she's certainly more influential than a sweaty nerd who wouldn't understand talent or normal human sexuality if it were walking around right outside his mother's basement bedroom window.

Comment Re:New service: Netwich! (Score 1) 488

This is why I've been sending back 3 DVDs in one mailer. I now have several hundred empty envelopes which I will promptly insert a slice of balogna into each and drop them into the mailbox. Statement made.

I love it! You could provide a whole deli-by-mail service -- a slice of bologna in one, cheese in another, mayo in a third, and perhaps a slice apiece of nice garlicky bread in a couple more.

Mm, mm! I'm'a have me some of that! Especially after going through all that US Postal Service machinery. Yum!

I am in love with this idea! I'm sure that this will do so much better than my fax-me-a-burrito service that I drove into the ground in the early 90s.

Comment Re:Google+ (Score 1) 321

My favorite introduction to Google plus was it scanning my gmails, then asking me if I want to add my ex-wife. WTF?! is wrong with you Google?!

Lets not even get into the lack of public groups/circles, what a fiasco. I'm not going to add 500+ people individually to make a group.

This is almost on par of Google Wave, waited weeks to get in, and nobody was on to make it useful. Google killed it off by a horrible launch. This time its a horrible lunch and major flaws. I like Google, but too many people are giving undo fan praise and not real evaluation of the product.

Would you prefer that Google scanned your emails and figured out she was your ex-wife and kept her off the list?

Comment Re:Facebook(2011):Google+::MySpace:Facebook(2005) (Score 1) 321

get your own website and put your photos there.

jeebus cristo, you people are TECHIES. act like it. 'big content' hosting sites are not the only way to serve your own photos and html, even free forum software.

lazy. do your own site and html. its not rocket science!

stop giving all your content to the big corps.

Yes, I am a technical creator. The difference between us, is that I choose not to reinvent the wheel. Lazy? How about wise. You sound like an indie rock snob, except with technology. #digitalHipster #withEnoughHashtagsMaybeYouWillExplode

Comment Re:Here come the "But not special *ME*!" posts (Score 1) 317

No, you're NOT special.

I finally got a sense of why so many people feel this way (That *every* time someone uses a gadget while driving it is an unacceptable distraction). I recently visited the Massachusetts area where the roads were extremely curvy and you could not see hundreds of yards in advance like you can in the Midwest.

No, I am not special. I can, however, look at the road and figure out how much time I can not look at the road based upon my speed and the obstacles that are ahead. I think that two seconds to look down at my phone is reasonable on a highway when there are no other cars around. I think that it's terrible that so many people default to nanny government mode and pass a law that punishes competent drivers from making educated decisions that put very little additional risk to the situation.

Or, the phrase that precipitated you title: Just because you can't do it safely, and you have data to prove that other people can't do it safely, doesn't mean that everyone can't do it safely. It is within the bell curve of cognitive capability. I may be deluding myself, but there are people who are just that smart. I don't see it happening, but a reasonable compromise is a license to drive distracted.

And finally, my fallback comment that although completely truthful, is still intended on trolling: I really don't pay attention when I drive. Driving really isn't that hard. When I'm using my cell phone, I'm actually paying more attention. No, I am not the guy who drives too slow, or too fast, or the guy who cut you off. It's just not that hard to be a conscientious driver and not pay attention. Sorry.

Comment Re:Die marketing department die! (Score 1) 162

Blogger and Picasa are good names: concise, searchable, and trademarkable.

But I guess that Google's marketing department wants headlines to reverberate their name in the tech and business media.

I will adjust, but I still think that the decision sucks.

The marketing department can save your job. Be nice to them. Bear in mind, they do two things. 1) Promote existing products 2) Figure out what the available market is for a given product. As far as #2 goes, there is an incredible market segment to take away from competitors.

Picasa has a wide user base, but it is still unknown to large swaths of the web. You and I know that Google owns blogger, but do most people? Rebranding is important to create a unified product portfolio. Especially, if they can get more users / eyeballs onto Picasa and off of competing photo sharing sites (*cough* Facebook)

Comment Re:Wow.... (Score 1) 1173

require everyday acts of spontaneous co-operation and yielding to others — acts that are 'un-American.'"

Wow... Just Wow... That's an argument against roundabouts?!? I personally find that one of the most sad statements I've read in a long time.

This is a surprise to you? There are many kind, wonderful people in this country of ours. There are many individualists who strive to not step on others. And, there are plenty of people who act in completely self-centered ways, whether it helps them or not.

Comment Re:Of course you don't. (Score 1) 651

Why would you want to be an engineer? Seriously why, when you could do manual labour, be an electrician, cementer, crane driver, or work in a number of other trades? The other trades pay more, give you better conditions, and you don't need to go work for some mining company in the middle of no where to earn a wage.

I know electricians who did their trade after their EE degree for this reason. Sure you can make a mint as an engineer but is it worth it having to live in a remote country town in order to do so?

Or why not become a "financial engineer". You get to use your brain, you get paid massive bonuses for creating zero wealth, and you don't get treated as a second class citizen.

China or Germany don't have this problem. They raise their engineers onto pedestals bigger than those the Americans would reserve for bankers.

Why would you want to be an engineer?

Am I the only person who sees this post as crazy?

I don't live in the middle of nowhere. I live in a city.

I make better wages, have better benefits, and better working conditions than the trades.

Again, I don't live in a remote country town. Granted, I have to commute to the suburbs, but I can still live in a city.

I feel like I'm raised onto a pedestal. I feel respected whenever I meet people and they ask what my profession is. I date a lot and girls always get a little misty eyed when they find out (Yes, lots of interesting and attractive women actually respect brains).

Also, the work is AWESOME! Oscilloscopes, Logic Analyzers, Firmware, Software, Fixtures.

It really doesn't get better than this.

Comment Re:Suicide (Score 1) 838

Suicide is mans attempt to keep control of what he never had any control of. Himself. Legal suicide is an invitation for the 'state' to decide who is worthy to live and die because it immediately puts law makers in the position of deciding who's life is worthy of being required to live. As has always happened in the past legal suicide will not be fully voluntary for long , because it will be used as an excuse to not take care of those people who choose not to use the 'option' when they are no longer 'worthy' of support.

Just because *you* have the darkness inside of you to force suicide and you see it in others, doesn't mean that the people who are in control will be doing so. "As has always happened in the past?" Please be mindful of your absurd absolute statements. I think that fear of abuse is real, but saying that it is inevitable is missing the point of free will and the good that is in many of us.

Comment Re:So get a new job (Score 1) 1008

Dude, that's complete bullshit. The majority of Apple Store employees are part time and don't get any benefits (except for cheap benefits like commuter checks.) Part timers start at ~$12 an hour.

Apple Store has a reputation for firing people at the drop of a hat. There's simply no value for them in retaining employees in the long run simply BECAUSE their employees are easily replaceable and the cost of retention is higher than the cost of training.

And who expects awesome pay and benefits at part time? I should've clarified that I was talking about full-time, granted, but the point still stands. What the hell do you expect as a part-time employee? Awesome pay and a benefits package? Gimme a break.

You're missing the point. They don't expect awesome pay and benefits as a part timer. Most retail companies cap the number of full time employees and over-hire part time employees. Granted, this results in more jobs, but also limits the amount of good benefits.

Apple should be free to enact whatever compensation they choose and employees should be free to achieve whatever kind of collective bargaining they can convince their fellow employees to agree to. It's called the invisible hand and it works both ways.

Comment Re:Is There An Epub Format? (Score 3, Insightful) 85

I don't understand why so many people put "Free Book" on the web, but put it in an HTML page with links to the various chapters. Is it too much to ask for the convenience of a single PDF, MOBI, or EPUB I can download to an eReader? They went to the trouble of publishing on Lulu, could they take the additional step of checking the "Make my book available as a free ebook" checkbox so I could download the PDF that Lulu uses to print it?

Other than that, this sounds like something I look forward to reading, after I copy and paste each chapter into a Word Document and convert it myself. : )

I'm sorry, I thought you were a programmer.

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