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Comment Re:OpenGL is the future (Score 1) 202

The shiny new features in DirectX do not actually matter for a long time after their release, since game developers will rarely use them as the new DirectX's are available only on newer Windows's. Quite a many developers try maximize amount of potential customers by a single codebase. If the MS would still release new versions of DirectX to all Windows variants still in support, it might have a better stand against OpenGL.

Windows XP's death has basically given developers free reign to support DirectX 11.0 as their new minimum.

Then again, even before this, DX11 features popped up as optional features in games like Batman: Arkham City (and presumably Origins).

Comment Re:A Revelation for all (Score 2) 288

Here is wisdom. Let him that has understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred three score and six.

Solve that for my Slashdot password.

Dude, that password was so easy.

I've updated your password to the answer to a new riddle:

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

Good luck spelling it correctly!

Comment Re:What kind? (Score 1) 115

See (where I purchased witcher 2, which I have yet to play). Same basic idea, lots of discounts, nice organization, etc.. Only no DRM! None at all!

Witcher 2 was a bad example.

Every version of The Witcher 2 sold on services that weren't sold through GOG had DRM when the game launched. This included retail copies, which had SecuRom.

Comment Re:Code names (Score 1) 179

I completely agree with this. I'm do not use Ubuntu regularly, but sometimes I have to help people who do. I do not know the names by hearth, I guess I can just do cat /etc/issue and get it? Nope! There is only says the version number. Ok, no problem, I'll google the number. No way, in the support forums everybody just uses the code name. Finally I have to check on wikipedia whatever name version 12.04 has.

At least for Ubuntu, checking /etc/apt/source.list will give you one of the words in the version you're running... for instance, I can tell my test game server box is running "precise" and typing "precise ubuntu" into Google tells me it's Precise Pangolin.

Which happens to be the 12.04 release.

Comment I wouldn't say "only" song (Score 1, Informative) 36

Well, here we are again.
It's always such a pleasure.
Remember when you tried to kill me twice?

Oh how we laughed and laughed,
except I wasn't laughing,
under the circumstances I've been shockingly nice.

You want your freedom take it?
That's what I'm counting on.
I used to want you dead, but
Now I only want you gone.

She was a lot like you
Maybe not quite as heavy
Now little Caroline is in here too

One day they woke me up
So I could live forever
It's such as shame the same will never happen to you.

You've got your short sad life left
That's what I'm counting on.
I'll let you get right to it
Now I only want you gone.

Goodbye my only friend.
Oh... did you think I meant you?
That would be funny if it weren't so sad.

Well you have been replaced
I don't need anyone now
When I delete you maybe I'll stop feeling so sad

Go make some new disaster
That's what I'm counting on.
You're someone else's problem
Now I only want you gone....

Now I only want you gone....

Now I only want you... gone....

Comment Re:I have a 1996 Taurus (Score 1) 650

Should Ford be waived from issuing a recall on a 19-year-old car purchased in 1995 if a safety defect is revealed?

Comparing a physical device costing tens of thousands of dollars whose defects can cost the lives of the user versus a piece of software costing $100 or less whose defects cause inconvenience to the user totally makes sense!!!!!111

Comment Re:Complete access and indefinite support for free (Score 2) 650

But two swing out of the realm of opinion, you compare Windows XP to "OpenSource darlings like firefox" whose long-term support is measured in "months, not years". This is a bad comparison. A better comparison would be Ubuntu LTS which includes firefox and whose support is measured in years not months. However Canonical having only a fraction of a percent of the marketshare that Windows XP does, is not making a business model in supporting releases for over 14 years.

As a direct comparison, Windows XP is OVER TWELVE YEARS OLD now and has not one, not even two, but three major versions newer available to the public. In Ubuntu terms, Windows XP is the equivalent of Ubuntu 06.04 LTS (12.04 being the current LTS as 14.04 has yet to be released) and should be treated accordingly.

Comment Re:New UI? (Score 1) 256

> *cough* Slashdot...

I invented new curse words for Beta. DM me for a list... ... when Slashdot implements DMs. :-)

You enter a room. There is a large, blue contraption that looks like a large rectangle with legs, but the top is rounded across one plane. ...wait, not that kind of DM?

Also, my description of a US Post Box sucks.

Comment Re: oh my god!! (Score 2) 212

But how would you get such a rule installed? Steam is not using the standard package format of the underlying distribution and I don't even think it run as root*. So it can't just disable a SELinux rule.

*I may be wrong. But there should be no reason for Steam to run as root.

Have you tried downloading Steam for Linux? It's shipped as a deb file.

Comment Re:why does a decoder need execheap? (Score 1) 212

Unless they are targeting some ancient (read: probably not still supported by the kernel or loader and therefore moot) ABI which uses text-segment relocations, I really don't get what they could possibly be doing to require this.

Source uses text relocation. We already ran into this problem with the Linux srcds (Source Dedicated Server) where you'd have to chcon -t texrel_shlib_t bin/ (or depending on the game).

Actually, you can likely chcon -t texrel_shlib_t bin/ to fix Portal 2, too, but I can't guarantee it.

Comment Re:Gif Licensing. Look it up. (Score 1) 235

Two things that are being glosses over here:

The first is that PNG is a superior image format to GIF... GIF is a 256-color image format, which made sense in the late 80s when it was created due to VGA being the standard back then.

When PNG came out in 1995, SVGA was the current video standard and GIF was already looking obsolete.

The second thing that needs to be mentioned is that H.264 (which is the real loser in Wikimedia's vote here) is controlled by a consortium and not just a single entity. So unlike Unisys, which could arbitrarily change royalty prices, the MPEG LA doesn't have nearly the freedom to do that.

Comment Re:READY OR NOT IS NOT THE ISSUE!!! (Score 1) 2219

2) I use the Classic Discussion system, and not the one that was reworked the last time the site had a modernization.

Actually, I'm glad my account wasn't one of those forced into the new beta to see what horrible new discussion system they introduced in the beta seeing as how the last change to the discussion system made it an unreadable mess.

Pro-tip to Slashdot UI designers: I don't want to have to click on the title of every discussion post to read it.

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