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Comment Personally (Score 3, Informative) 641

I stick with XP for one of my desktops because I put my own hardware together (no OS preinstalled), and I don't want to pay horrific sums of money (£135) for a new operating system - Windows 8 is even more expensive to buy a worthwhile edition of. It's behind my free Debian install which acts as a router+firewall. Works for me.

Comment Re:And yet they supported Obama (Score 1) 564

And now let's take a trip to reality: he doesn't. Most of this lynch mob had probably never even heard of Eich before this shitstorm happened, and if asked what Mozilla's stance on inclusiveness was, would've looked at the attitudes that most Mozilla employees had, and/or looked at their stated stance on their website.

Maybe one of the official responsibilities of a CEO is to represent the values of theri whole company, I'm not sure. If so, it's an idiotic one, and not at all reflective of how in fact sensible people morally judge a company (angry lynchmobs excepted).

Comment Re:Good. (Score 4, Insightful) 1037

Should God wait upon you hand and foot, serving your every whim and desire, preventing any pain of any kind because not to, you would consider evil?

Yes. If got is omnipotent, he can do this for everyone and still do infinitely more. And why would you need to "grow" and "mature" in the ways you describe if there were no evil to worry about? It would be a waste of time, and good riddance. As for learning, that can still be done in a utopia.

Comment Re:Correlation is not causation. (Score 1) 1037

Of course, we have yet to see where the religious backlash will lead Britain. Government support of modern faith schools - centres of open indoctrination of children at the same time as their educattion - as well as cretins like Warsi spouting claims that "fundamentalist secularists" are trying to "kick religion out of the public sphere" may result in a misguided widespread sympathy for religion, as if it were being unfairly persecuted instead of frankly still being given far too much credence and privilege.

Comment Re:And yet they supported Obama (Score 3, Insightful) 564

It's about judgement and respect. You need to be overflowing with both qualities if you want to be a CEO.

Hahahahahahaha. You think Jobs had a lot of respect for other people? You think Ballmer had lots of respect and good judgment??? If anything, these are qualities that American CEOs tend NOT to have, which is why they got to the top of the greasy pole.

Comment Re:And yet they supported Obama (Score 1, Insightful) 564

No, it has nothing to do with his job performance, but he is now the public face and representative of a corporation.

I think this is a convenient, facile excuse. How many people, when they want to look at the values of Mozilla, will Google Brendan Eich? How many will look at the wider group of people that form Mozilla, and how many will look at the Mozilla website?

The idea that one guy at the top of a company is seen as representing the *whole* company and all its values is pretty dumb, and just not true.

Comment Re:Victory for the Thought Police? (Score 2) 1746

Either the government gets the hell out of marriage entirely, or it must be available to any and all, regardless of who is sticking what in which holes.

What about dogs' "holes"? What about the "holes" of 10 women? Marriage has not traditionally been defined as between man and animal, or man and multiple women. I support gay marriage, but I can definitely see where people like Eich are coming from in not wanting to redefine marriage away from its traditional meaning.

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