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Comment Re:Way to jump the gun (or do I mean shark?) (Score 1) 150

I am terrified by the fact that new services almost always get really stupid things wrong like Newsweek saying that Earhart ran out of jet fuel!

Well, you do have to admit that Earhart had zero reserve margin of jet fuel. Of course, she also had sufficient jet fuel supplies onboard to support a flight around the world 100 times...

Comment Re:You know what else that stuff can be used for (Score 2) 260

You don't really strike me as the type that knows nothing about improvised explosives.

The fact that you apparently know your way around circuit boards is icing on the cake.

And the fact that you write crappy logic like that indicates that you're both a troll and one of those people who thinks anyone who's heard of The Anarchist's Cookbook should be in jail.


New Crash Test Dummies Reflect Rising American Bodyweight 144

Ever thought that all those crash-test dummies getting slammed around in slow-motion were reflecting an unrealistic, hard-to-achieve body image? One company is acting to change that, with some super-sized (or right-sized) dummies more in line with current American body shapes: Plymouth, Michigan-based company Humanetics said that it has been manufacturing overweight crash test dummies to reflect growing obesity trends in the U.S. Humanetics has been the pioneer in crash test dummies segment since the 1950s. But now, the company's crash test dummies are undergoing a makeover, which will represent thicker waistlines and large rear ends of Americans.

Comment Re: Haleluja ... (Score 1) 669

Because Catholics do not believe that everything a pope says is to be considered infallible.

That prompts two responses.
First, your sentence is a variant of "no true Scotsman." What's the point of having a pope if every Catholic gets to interpret matters religious on their own?

Second: on the bright side, unlike a certain other religion popular the world around, you can say something against the pope and not get assassinated by religious leaders for doing so.

Comment Re:Honestly. (Score 1) 235

If they want to scare her they wake her up in the middle of the night with 4 people in her bedroom

That sort of thing leads to amusing (or tragic) tangles with armed professional law enforcement, and the toy soldiers do not cope well with such situations.

and here I thought it was the lead-in to a video about a woman and four pizza-delivery boys...

Comment Re:By yourself you know others (Score 1) 583

This strikes me as arguing over whether or not Batman could beat Superman in a fight.

Depends: does Batman have access to some Green Kryptonite? Does the fight take place on a planet orbiting a red star?
Does Batman say (quite out of context), " You can't win, Darth^H^H^H^H Superman. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine."

Comment He's avoiding the point (Score 3, Insightful) 424

Quote: "'They're going after people who are really not criminals,' said David Smith, a former federal prosecutor "

Ummm, hey Mr. Lawer Dude: why should they be allowed to impound ANY non-criminal item from ANYONE? It's one thing to remove, say, guns and illegal drugs when arriving with a warrant. It's another to say "hey, I bet that cash and those guns are illegal so let's take them " (and the car they're in -- the car is often taken as well) It's been pretty well established that local police depts use the forfeiture laws as a moneymaking operation. How about we take property the old-fashioned (joke) way: after conviction, or at the very least, grand-jury indictment?

Comment Re: Snowden (Score 3, Interesting) 221

What he did was illegal, but I can't say that it was wrong.

I'm not in the least convinced that it was illegal. Revealing classified info which reveals the existence of criminal behavior is not necessarily illegal (at least as of one of my early briefings when having a clearance bestowed upon my august presence).

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