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Comment Re:Dear Nazis (Score 2) 177

What world do you work in where so much goes wrong so often that you've had 15+ occurrences where you had to "check my old email" to keep from being in a bad situation? Wherever it is, I'll stay the hell away.

I keep all my old emails, for the same reason, but I've used them once or twice in nearly 20 years.

Comment Re:Countless Comments on Prior Articles & Now (Score 4, Informative) 219

"Everybody else pretty much agrees North Korea did it... "

Wait, what? I was under the impression that -no one- thinks North Korea did it. I certainly don't, and that's in part because my government is so -focused- on getting us to believe they did.

And in part because the president is a democrat (pwned by Hollywood).
And in part because of what was hacked, what was released.

(another) data breach is embarrassing. An attack by NK garners sympathy. Also, without this hack The Interview would have made about a dollar.

No idea why 'North Korea did it' can possible be modded "Informative".

Comment Re:Balloons (Score 1) 174

Gravity slows down the expansion, and, it slows down the passage of time. Time and space are not merely relative they are one and the same. The expansion of space and the passage of time -are the same thing- .

Perhaps at some point space-time expands so fast that it actually rips and a huge expanse of the universe is flooded with quantum energy made matter. Uniformly, throughout the expanse. This matter then slows down the expansion -temporarily though, as matter collects together due to gravity and creates new "pockets" where the speed of expansion can pick up again.

Comment Re:Pullin' a Gates? (Score 1) 449

Instead of paraphrasing why not just quote him directly? It's not a long article and no one will think 'strawman'.

"Big caches are efficient. Parallel stupid small cores without caches are horrible unless you have a very specific load that is hugely regular (ie graphics)." ...
"the crazies talking about scaling to hundreds of cores are just that - crazy."

In that context, he's right. If you're doing hundreds of dumb cores you should be using gpu already.

Comment Out of the frying pan, into the fire (Score 1) 281


I trust google with my data even less than I trust the government. It's why I no longer use any of their services. This article is not for anyone with a functional brain, it's for the masses that believe what they're told to believe. I'd also suspect this wasn't something Schmidt said without some "guidance" or "suggestions" from some of his high powered friends in the government.

Comment Re: Isn't that click fraud? (Score 1) 285

Some people simply can't afford to pay for their bandwidth usage themselves, though. Think of the communities that used to use BBSes and now have forum sites where they post pictures, videos, and massive amounts of text. The owners, presumably hobbyists (originally), just want to share information, not foot the bill for everyone else who has a similar interest.

Advertising has a place. Personally, I can ignore most non-intrusive ads and they really only bother me if the move around following my cursor, or blocking the real content, which is more a problem with site or particular ad design than advertisements in general. Other people have a lower tolerance.

Make no mistake, though, what you're suggesting is just elitism trying to keep "poor" people from using the internet for its intended purpose, sharing of information. I'm sure that's not your intent but that's the reality of what you just indicated in your post. "If you can't afford it without advertisements, you shouldn't use the internet" is basically what you just said.

Comment Re:Arrow of Time (Score 1) 107

I might not understand what you're saying.

The farther away galaxies are from each other, the faster they are moving from each other, and, the faster they are accelerating. Wouldn't this and other phenomenon be independent of my perception? I mean gravity doesn't only affect my physical being and the construction of it in my mind. It objectively affects the passage of time throughout the universe. Doesn't it?

Comment Re:Arrow of Time (Score 3, Interesting) 107

Time cannot go backwards because time, as an independent phenomenon doesn't exist. The passage of time, and what enables "change" is the expansion of the universe. It expands slower or faster near or away from the influence of gravity as time passes faster or slower near or away from the influence of gravity. Time and space aren't simply "relative". The are the same thing. Entropy is strongly correlated but not actually coupled.

IANAP, and I haven't actually convinced anyone that the way I see it is true. But I think the universe described by Renate Loll is probably the closest to my own mental picture. Or, at least, the idea that there are not really three spacial dimensions but one made my own mental map easier to "run" in my mind.

Comment Re:Yeesh (Score 1) 584

wtf. YOU are the one shifting and deflecting. ONLY YOU. And that's the fucking point. There is nofuckingway you didn't read that post, or have been exposed to same or similar evidence IN FUCKING GENERAL.

Your ENTIRE series of postings has been under the PRETENSE of being ignorant of all such information. You are a LIAR.

Comment Re:Yeesh (Score 1) 584

Flat out fucking lie.

I never said anything even remotely close to "hard evidence that proves that girls are hardwired to develop interests or traits in the absence of social feedback." YOUR BULLSHIT WORDS that you tried to attribute to me.

"Should be easy for you to provide a single counter-example then." YOU NEVER PROVIDED ONE GODDAMN EXAMPLE TO COUNTER LIAR.

Your original post stated there is no evidence...but you know there is, links to said evidence was posted BEFORE my reply AND I believe you already fucking knew there was evidence. You are dishonest.

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