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Comment Re:It makes you uneasy? (Score 1) 1007

It's not university sponsored, it's simply being held in a university facility. Not really any different than allowing political groups to meet, or some student group to show films. It doesn't mean the university endorses the content.

Of coruse, the could have easily rented another venue in Oklahoma, but they like to use university facilities to create the {il,de}lusion among the True Believers that their views have some legitimacy.

Comment Re:I still don't get the love for WhatsApp. (Score 1) 65

Step 1: get an iphone or borrow one from a family/friend.
Step 2: put your sim card in it.
Step 3: buy whatsapp in the app store for 1$
Step 4: remove sim card.
Step 5: install your sim card onto your Android phone.
Step 6: install whatsapp in your phone.

Lifetime license for 1$. You are welcome.

Comment Re:National Two-Factor ID (Score 1) 410

IMO our whole monetary system has evolved to promote convenience so much that we're losing basic security.

I just now cancelled a debit card because I'm tired of cleaning up after fraudulent transactions. The world is full of criminal organizations working full time to defraud anybody and everybody. I just can't see it as sustainable.

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