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Comment Re:"Women" have done no such thing (Score 1) 349

Yeah, damn those inconvenient confounding factors like greater experience and longer hours.

Surprising, that when you compare single childless women in their twenties to single childless men in their twenties, that the women earn more than the men. Damn that shitty statistic, for not complying with the almighty feminist agenda.

Fuck you.

Comment Re:Ford GT (Score 1) 662

I don't know how much of it was just for the show or if he really feels that way.

Maybe the fact he went out and bought one, and imported it into the UK is a small hint?

Although he's recently commented that it turned out to be a truly shit car to own, and he regrets the purchase. But that's because it was a shit car to own.

Comment Re:what will be more interesting (Score 1) 662

For the money? BBC will not loose any money for the lack of advertisement. So what other reasons could there be?

Maybe the extensive international sales that pay for the filming, pay for the trips, pay the wages of everybody involved including Clarkson himself.

The BBC just took a massive financial hit by choosing not to renew his contract. It's the right decision, but don't go pretending that it hasn't hurt them.

Remeber what he did in Argentina?

No, what did he do in Argentina? I mean, other than admire the stunning scenery and drive a car around?

People in Argentina bleat on about other shit, but they're talking total nonsense - much like their comments on the Falklands.

Comment Re:what will be more interesting (Score 1) 662

Sorry but the jokes about prostitutes, Mexicans, cheese-eating surrender monkeys and bridges with their ends at different heights should not be disciplinary offences.

Shit, I've heard Ben Elton make cunt jokes on the BBC, but he's a lefty darling so nobody sacked him for it. Clarkson employs similarly edgy humour to entertain and I'm fucked off with the PC brigade that caused him so much shit about it all.

Learn to take a fucking joke.

Incidentally, which n-word? November? Nostril? 'Nuh nuh' as someone below has commented? Whichever one you're referring to, you do realise that Clarkson himself reviewed that tape and requested that it wasn't broadcast. Hardly the act of a man intent on inciting racial hatred is it.

You can bet that if the producer had punched Clarkson there wouldn't be all this fuss with people endlessly making excuses for him.

No, they'd be congratulating him, wishing they'd had the chance, putting him forward for the honours list.

Comment Re:what will be more interesting (Score 1) 662

Are people really going to miss yet another totally fake show pretending to be reality? Is it just because this one combined cars and Daily Mail-style politics?

I'm going to miss it because it was fucking entertaining. It was irreverent (except to certain classic cars), it was happy to mock everybody, it gave a voice to the idiot within me. It had cars that cost more than my lifetime earnings and the camera work of dreams.

Sorry, but I have no sympathy for a primadonna for whom curses at an employee for 20 minutes and then physically assaults him up for half a minute

Me either, but I'll still very much miss the tv programme.

Comment Re:in further news show tanks (Score 1) 662

its not Clarkson that has make it work. Its the producer

You seriously underestimate the creative input from the presenters, and the other two happily acknowledge that Clarkson makes a massive contribution.

some of the best editing and camera work in the industry.

..although it's worth watching the show just for this, yes.

Comment Re:Let me fix that for you... (Score 2) 662

That's why I don't get this "he hit someone, and done". Even if so, there's very probably enough provocation on the failing there by the Producer alone.

You hit someone in the office, you get sacked. Gross misconduct. Gone.

You hit someone while working in a highly unionised organisation, while on a final warning, you really expect to not get sacked?

Provocation may be a defence against a legal assault charge, but not against gross misconduct. "Here's a perfectly edible meal freshly prepared and ready for you" is not fucking provocation.

I loved Top Gear, I had no issues with Jeremy Clarkson's lack of PC but don't go pretending that he didn't fuck up massively on this occasion, or that the BBC had no real choice but to reduce their income by around £50m/year and get rid of him.

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