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Comment Re:Does This Make Sense? (Score 2) 318

Plus, we haven't talked about the energy required to built batteries, nor the energy required to recycle them after they die in about 5 years.

Tesla's been selling electric cars for 5 years. You would think they would notice.

Not only that, but Tesla warranties their batteries for 8 years unlimited miles. I guess they're going to lose a lot of money when all those batteries go bad in 5 years of use.

Comment I used to love X-Files ... (Score 1) 166

I used to love X-Files until a friend spoiled it for me. He basically said that Mulder and Scully were basically witnesses to whatever mystery they were uncovering. Nothing would have changed if they weren't there. Sure, the random person would have lived or died, but it's not like they solved any big mysteries.

And after I while I just got tired of the whole X-Files mythology.

Besides, weren't the aliens supposed to have invaded by now?

Comment Hype? (Score 1) 286

Sounds like all hype to me.

They mentioned that it's for the entire Model S fleet, most of which does not have dual motors so "torque sleep" may not be the answer. My hope is they eek out an extra 50 miles to a full charge and recommend 100% charging all the time (they currently recommend 90% charge most of the time and only to use 100% for long trips).

Comment Re:It's not THAT much.... (Score 3, Interesting) 529

But certainly reasonable given their track record.

In three years? Possibly.

In five years? Probably.

In ten years? Of course.

The first gen iPhone came out nine years ago and is not compatible with any iPhone apps. About the only thing you can do with it is sync with iTunes (which I do on occasion). Not a big deal, as I use it as a jukebox for my daughter's bedroom.

The first gen iPad came out five years ago and is not compatible with the last few iOS updates or with most apps available in the app store (since they require newer versions of iOS). I use mine as a remote control for my media center and to read some PDFs.

I guess when the Apple Watch is obsolete it will still tell time. Hopefully the battery doesn't degrade much over that time period (or is it replaceable by any watchmaker?).

Comment Re:Custom ... nipples? Actual custom nipples? (Score 2) 61

If you know a breast cancer survivor personally, they are generally pretty open about those sort of questions.

I had one friend complain about how her plastic surgeon kept on getting the placement of the nipple on the wrong spot. She eventually went to the OR with a smiley face where she wanted the nipple placed.

A second friend said her plastic surgeon kept on pushing for nipple preservation but she was quite content (wouldn't say happy) without one. She did feel less of a woman for a while afterwards, but started feeling better once she started gaining weight back and getting her sex drive back.

Comment Certain things every individual should know... (Score 1) 698

There are certain things I wish I knew decades earlier. Some of them are things you can only learn by the school of hard knocks. Other things can be picked up in books.

Give her a list of books that she should read at certain ages. Not just fiction/science fiction, but books that made you think about the real world and how to live in it.

I know that I want my kids to read "The Boglehead Guide to Investing" by the time they take home their first paycheck. Being able to invest in the future is something that can start at a young age.

Comment You buy cheap stuff... (Score 2) 248

...and what do you expect?

If you want a proper "smart home" solution, you have to get an integrated package. Those aren't cheap and aren't things you can generally get via

I spent way too much on mine. But my outdoor lights turn on at 15 minutes before sunset and turn off at a random time between 10 and 11pm. I've got a couple thermostats which will warm up the first floor on weekdays to 66 degrees on weekdays half an hour before I go downstairs in the colder months. Also have a music system that can play any playlist off my server in any room of the house, or play a radio or internet radio station or even the audio of a TV station. Everything via physical switches or via a phone app.

Systems in the future will do more and cost less. Hopefully they'll be as secure and integrate as well or better than what I have now.

Is it worth it? Of course not. (Well, it may be worth it so that I don't have to turn off the outdoor lights when I'm already in bed. Because there's no way my wife's getting out of bed for that.)

Comment Reminds me of college :) (Score 2) 252

I was in an economics class with a good friend. The class was given an assignment in which they had to calculate some nonsense. The teacher said that any language code or pseudocode would be fine.

The friend and I were the only engineers in the class and apparently the only ones to use recursion to get to the answer. He used head recursion and I used tail recursion. Everyone else apparently solved it with itterative loops.

The TA knew my friend and I knew each other and threatened to report us for cheating. I told her to go ahead and show our code to the prof or even a CS prof. The logic that my friend and I were so different in the code that the fact that we both used recursion was the only similarity.

We hadn't cheated and kinda thought it was funny that it looked like we did.

Now, I wouldn't be surprised if we got our code scanned into some database and a computer said we cheated and we would have no recourse.

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