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Comment Re:Still not buying it (Score 5, Informative) 1051

Well, I have not seen this is a while. A long and reasonably well written post where almost every sentence is factually wrong... Impressive.

Logically, if the vaccine really does cure the virus, then the only people affected by an outbreak would be the unvaccinated.

You really need a better understanding of how vaccines work. They do not cure shit. That is called a "cure." A vaccine increases resistance to a virus. This results in either not catching it, or having it pass more quickly. The amount of increase can vary with different people, and in very rare cases it does not increase resistance at all.

But that's clearly not the case.

Well, this statement is correct in it's assessment of your original statement.

So we can't really know that it works as intended.

Yes, we can and we do. On an individual level you can have a titer test to see if you have increased immunity. On a global level, we can compare places with high rates of vaccination to low rates and see whooping cough explode in Michigan.

We may have evidence that it sometimes works, but it certainly isn't a slam dunk of a technological advancement (as so many here imply every time it comes up) -- and yet we hear calls to force it on others as if it IS a slam dunk.

It is not digital. It is not "Once in and never again." It causes an increase in immunity in the majority of the population. This results in either immunity or shorter and less sick times. That is known and proven. Also, herd immunity is known and proven, and is a "slam dunk."

What we also don't have is long-term data on the side effects -- only an arrogant display of superiority.

Yes we do. A couple hundred years, actually. The smallpox vaccine was created in 1796. Pertussis in 1927.

You people aren't using logic to support your position.

Methinks the lady doth protest too much.

You're using intimidation.

Well, the facts are intimidating, but it is not us making them facts.

What I see here is hardly a noble call for the betterment of society.

This is probably totally true. Perhaps you should look a little more.

What I see is an arrogant, selfish display of superiority, and an utter disrespect for the basic human right of free choice.

You really do find what you look for. If you try hard enough you can even believe that fury porn is normal.

Instead of demonizing the innocent, why not make an honest donation to the multi-billion dollar businesses that produce and promote these vaccines?

And what does this have to do with the price of tea in China? Or should I just stand on a chair and shout "Strawman! Strawman!"

Put your money where your arrogant mouth is.

I do. I pay for vaccines that are not covered by insurance.

Comment Re:There is no vaccine for the worst diseases (Score 4, Informative) 1051

The pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine nearly killed me when I was a child.

So you should want everyone else to get it. While hypersensitivity to a vaccine is rare, it does happen and is a valid reason to get get vaccines. But if everyone else does, you are still protected. (Herd immunity) Or, keep your tinfoil hat on and continue denigrating people who have 12 years more training than you do in exactly this. Darwin works, and you will solve yourself soon enough.

Comment Re:Comcast Business Class (Score 1) 291

The only people who can actually help you or give you discounts or anything are the guys who have to talk you out of ditching Comcast.

There is another option. You know that part of the call where they say "This call may be recorded to insure quality." That is not just a disclaimer, but it is also permission. Start your conversation with "I am taking advantage of your offer to record the call for quality and I am recording this call." They actually have a specific policy for this and it is very nice. :) It is essentially, "Make us look good if we are being recorded."

Comment Re:DOCSIS3 modem for Residential... (Score 2) 291

They did try to charge me for not returning it when I disconnected service, but corrected their error without a hassle.

That is normal. They also often charge for equipment returned to a storefront. Now I only use purchased hardware with them. (For both myself and my clients.) When they ask why I say "Because I do not trust you." It is usually followed by a few seconds of silence, and then "OK." :)

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