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Comment Re:The majority? (Score 5, Informative) 277

> The majority of people feel that DST is a bad idea....

Do you have a source for this?

Listening to perople bitch about it this time of year is a good one. But this also works... http://www.timeanddate.com/tim... See "Losing U.S. popularity - According to a Rasmussen Report from 2013, only 37 % of Americans see the purpose of DST compared to 45 % the year before."

Comment Re:Stupid Samsung (Score 1) 148

I am sick and tired of these clowns and their shenanigans.

Damn right... Bring on the next clowns, and new shenanigans!
Here is a hint... All of them will screw the customer given half a chance. Not sure why we started with companies spelled with S first, however. Sony... Samsung... Will Sharp have a huge resurgence just to screw everyone over?

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