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Comment Re:Funny (Score 5, Insightful) 693

Fucking patriarchal slime. How dare you bring your sexist views into an otherwise rational debate? As women, we have a right to exist too!

Only a woman would call the above rational... ;) (That was a joke!)

In all seriousness, however, you demonstrated the problem clearly. The Gnome Foundation has a core competency of creating user interfaces. (I know! Gnome 3 and competence is a stretch, but stick with me a second.) I don't care if you are a guy, a girl, or a dude in a dress... I want good code. But, women's advocacy has nothing to do with putting out a good UI. A ton of money was wasted that did nothing for them at all! This is not anti-woman. This is anti "women's advocacy."

Comment Re:Does this mean no more Gnome desktop? (Score 4, Interesting) 693

You could have said the same thing about Xfree86. They, like Gnome, lost sight of the user base. But Gnome did worse. The people they pissed off, Developers, power users, and large content workers, are the very ones most likely to contribute code and money. Belittling them for pointing out the flaws didn't help either. So if they go, it will cause some problems for a while, but we still have the KDE foundation, the Apache Foundation, and a ton of focused projects that no longer need a large "foundation" to support them.

But, if they pull their head out, and make amends with those folks, I think things can still be saved. Some more prominence and respect for Gnome Flashback would go a LONG way towards bringing people back.

Comment Re:Africa, eh? (Score 3, Insightful) 112

I predict a low posts count.

The most terrifying book I have ever read is "The Hot Zone" by Richard Preston. http://www.amazon.com/Hot-Zone... If this gets out and goes global, it is THE END of civilization as we know it. I suspect a few more people might be following this than normal.

No ebola, while a very nasty and unpleasant disease isn't a "global killer" for the same reason it is so feared: it kills most* of it's victims and that in a relatively short time. That makes fast spreading of it very unlikely unlike other diseases like variants on the flu. That also makes it possible to contain outbreaks even on a larger scale: at worst a pure isolation of the affected people for some weeks is enough.

(* depending on strain, up to IIRC 90% lethality)

In todays world I can contact a lot of people in two weeks... Even without flying every day. One Liberian ambassadorial aid could really mess some stuff up.

Comment Re:Africa, eh? (Score 1) 112

What country uses the expression "US American"?

The rest of the American ones. You know... Canada, Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guyana, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Chili, Argentina, Uruguay, The Falklands, The Sandwich Islands... A lot of the world substitutes "Fucking" for "US" to separate us from the rest of the Americans.

Comment Re:Is Ebola a "rapid burnout" disease? (Score 2, Interesting) 112

Consider how fast the flue spreads with a faster onset... The only reason it has not gone global is that travel out of the regions with it so far can take a week or more. If you want to have a few sleepless nights, read "The Hot Zone" by Richard Preston. It is a true story of Ebola Rushton... http://www.amazon.com/Hot-Zone...

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