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Comment Re:Damn the arrogance, damn the arrogants (Score 2) 282

Wow. It's quite apparent that you're the insane one.

>>Geothermal is not clean power. Crap comes out of the vents and must be disposed of.

Perhaps you should take a trip on the Azuma Sky Line road, and view the constantly venting poisonous gases spewing out the top of the mountain there. I have.

Perhaps you should visit the Hakone region, and take the rope-way (cable car) over the open sulphur mines there, looking at the poisonous fumes reeking from that. I have.

And then when you reach the visitor's centre at the top, observe the sign which tells you to be aware of the Hydrogen Sulphide gas around, and to escape if you hear the gas alarm, and which also informs you of the smell of the gas and how damaging it can get in higher concentrations - fatal at the highest. I have.

There are many places in Japan where volcanic venting of gas occurs completely naturally, and out of control of humans.

Your "argument" about Geothermal is null and void.

It looks like you haven't got the slightest clue about geothermal energy, and are spouting Greenie propaganda from some leaflet you were handed one day or just happened to read on a web page.

>>>The solution is to move manufacturing out of Japan, it makes no sense there anyway as you can't help but put a manufacturing plant close to where people live.<<<

WTF. You clearly have no grasp on reality. Which country would you displace all your manufacturing capability in? What happens to the people who previously worked in Japan? How are people in Japan going to make a living once you moved all manufacturing out of it? And so on...

Clearly, utterly fuckwitted.

Comment Re:Damn the arrogance, damn the arrogants (Score 4, Interesting) 282

I live in Japan, my house in Koriyama is just 33 miles (about 58 kilometers) due west of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station. My Japanese in-laws have a remote mountain house "2nd home" just 21km (1km outside the exclusion zone) in Tamura city where myself, my wife and son lived for a year and a bit before moving to Koriyama.

I completely and utterly agree with what you said, and well said it was too.

It's not the nuclear technology that's wrong, it's the people in charge of running it who are entirely at fault for what happened. The Error Cascade is monumental for Daiichi - not placing the emergency generators up the nearby hill behind the plant, for example.Ignoring people who have been stating for years if not decades, that a 14 meter+ tsunami was more than likely in that area (and others), is another.

There are ancient stone markers all around the coastal areas of Japan, on high ground, left there by previous generations of Japanese, all saying things like "do not build below this level".

And yet, they did. And this is what happens, and their coastal cities and towns get washed away by massive tsunami. And they're planning on rebuilding homes, towns, and cities on the very places that got inundated by tsunami.

After 5+ years of living in this country, I've come to the conclusion that Japan is like a real life gigantic game of Lemmings. If the quakes and tsunami don't get you, then the volcanoes, sulphur gas, flooding, landslides, avalanches, and typhoons will.

But I still agree with you 100% though that civilization cannot live without the energy provided by nuclear power stations, and that's including the Japanese. They just need to re-think the design and layout of any new nuclear plants they might build in the future.

And for those who proclaim that wind and solar are the answer - your grasp of reality is severely depleted. I can see great potential for Japan to use its Geothermal resources, but wind and solar do NOT have the capability to offer a stable and reliable energy supply for a country like Japan, nor do they have the energy density required to supply the cities and towns of that country.

Comment Re:Sorry, you lose (Score -1, Flamebait) 1367

Good old slashdot. Overridden by AGW Chicken Littles and shills, it seems.

So one person cites 16k scientists as supporting The Sky Is Falling! theory.

And the parent above replies with a citation of 37k against it, and gets marked as flamebait? Incredible.

In a different post, recently, I did an experiment, and found that on Slashdot it's OK to smear skeptics as DENIERS, but you get marked as troll if you call those people assholes. Very suspicious, and quite obvious that this site really is overrun by the Chicken Littles.

Comment Re:Simple solution (Score 1) 545

I bought an android tablet. A Barnes&Noble Nook Color.

Before I bought it, it was merely a nice eBook reader in tablet form.

Before I bought it, I made sure I'd be able to install my preferred version of android.

After I bought it, I then installed CyanogenMod on it.

My eBook reader is now a very nice Android tablet.

My point is, I made sure the hardware could be bent to my will beforehand.

That Windows 8 ARM device? Oh it won't boot an alternate OS? Fuck 'em, they just lost a purchase.

Comment Re:Where's the beef? (Score 1) 760

Another way of saying what you just said is "global temperatures are NOT increasing by huge amounts in an extremely short time, DESPITE
CO2 levels increasing in an extremely short time".

Also, could it be that, if CO2 levels lag behind temperatures by approximately 800 years, then perhaps what we are seeing now are CO2 levels increasing due to what temperatures were doing 800 years ago - a period, if I'm not very much mistaken, which we call the Medieval Warm period.

Lastly, I object to your use of the term "normal level". Please specify what a "normal level" of CO2 is for this planet, and why you think this is so.

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