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User Journal

Journal Journal: Bloat 1.2 RC 3 out - REALLY needs testers...

Basically I need testers for bloat 1.2 rc3. As I'm generally a bit pissed off at everything right now, I'm going to just give the URL which hopefully says everything...


Note - I haven't done a news post for any of the RCs except 1 (I think) on bloat.sf.net, but they are on sf.net/projects/bloat...



Journal Journal: Bloat 1.2 RC 1 released - testers needed! 3

Bloat is a Perl script which analyses an archive's filename/type and extracts it using a suitable extractor.

Well, Bloat 1.2 RC 1 has been released! 1.1 -> 1.2's CVS has been very very dodgy, so I wanted a base that people could test from, without it being too dodgy. I believe that 1.2 is fine, but I don't guarantee everything, but I use it myself and haven't seen any problems yet *deep breath*.

Bloat's website is here.
Release notes (changes from 1.1 to 1.2) are here
Finally, the download page is here

If you want to test it, thanks :). Make sure to report any bugs though ;).


Journal Journal: GCSE Results 2

Well, for those who care, here are my GCSE results:

English: A
English - Talking and Listening: A
English Lit: A

[English - all - for want of a better word - bullshitting]


[I'm a /.er - need I explain more?]

Maths: B

[I've missed almost half of school time over the GCSE years - I was surprised to get a B, especially since I lightly pencilled in "goatse" before the "CX" in a length question]

Geography: C

[How did I get this? My coursework was done at 1AM and was about 3 pages long...]

Science: 2Cs

[They advised me to go onto foundation after missing so much. AFAIK, C is the highest you can get on foundation.]

Music: C

[I'm crap at music... Dunno how I got a C :P]

French: D
German: E

[I'm crap at foreign languages, and I joined German after two terms, and I was put on HIGHER on German for several parts]

So, all in all, that's enough to get me into college. I highly doubted I'd get Maths B, but I did, so that's all good. Hopefully my asthma won't make me miss loads of college :/.


Journal Journal: Fun holiday! 4

Right... Last thursday I went tubing down the Delaware [NJ/PA border]; I'm on holiday in the States, BTW. I felt myself getting slightly burned. Please note that A) I am a complete and utter idiot, and didn't put any sunblock on; B) It was very hot that day, and C) I'm English, so don't really get too much sun.

On Friday my legs were really painful. When I got round to getting ready for bed (which was after watching Graham Norton - it's censored over here :/ - so 1AM) I saw two huge great blisters on my legs. According to my dad, they were the size of tennis balls.

Saturday, I go to the doctors and they tell me it's 2nd degree burns. They also pop the blisters, give me a tetanus shot, and charge us $200 (oh what fun commercial health care is; thank fsck for insurance). The rest of the day is spent with my feet up (literally). The same thing happened yesterday and today. This is very boring.

Today the nurse said she'd never seen sunburns like it in her 18 years of work...

Tomorrow I'm going to a burn specialist, and I'll see what he says...

Oh well, at least we got 5 days (out of 2 weeks) of our holiday :/.

Oh, and the subject? Well, my legs feel a bit like cooked meat ;).

The Matrix

Journal Journal: Odd Google ad (on Slashdot) 2

Just saw this odd ad:

Download matrix reloaded
Why pay? Movies still in theaters, new releases, classics, adult, more

And from looking at the site, it doesn't look all too legit.

Just found it odd, that's all...


Journal Journal: Last Exam Done...yay

Well, I've finally finished my last GCSE; so I only have to go back to school to get my results and hand in my books I've borrowed. Finally. Updated my profile info ;).

Oh, and Datel (along with certain employees) are being really annoying at the moment :/.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Bloat - can some people test CVS please? 3

This is just a quick request, I've hacked in a form of "subdirectory creation support" into bloat, whereby if there are zip or tar-based archives, it'll check them for files in the root directory (if you see what I mean; you know, like most Windows zip files don't have a directory structure) and if it finds any it'll create a new subdirectory to extract the archive to. The code which does this, however, is extremely dodgy, and I've only tested it on my RH 7.2 server.

If anybody is willing, please can they check out the latest version from CVS and try it with different tar/zip files with/without subdirs.

To check out bloat from CVS, follow the...uhh... following steps:

cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/bloat login
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/bloat co bloat

If you want any more info on Bloat, see its home page.

Oh, and thanks for the "good luck" in the last JE, Tomble, I somehow missed it :/.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Orals Over 1

I've done all three of my orals, finally - they were French, German and [ages ago] English. I sucked at French and German [no pun intended], but now I've just got the small matter of the rest of my GCSE exams :/.

Oh, and bloat 1.1 was released some time ago...grab it if you care (e.g. don't bother ;))


Journal Journal: Is there anywhere to buy Duke 3D in England apart from eBay? 5

Right, I've been searching everywhere for a copy of Duke Nukem 3D, so I can run it in Linux. I want to get it cheap, as I can't really afford a load of money. I have seen it in a grand total of one place - eBay. Great! One problem - you have to be 18 to get an account there. Damn.

So, any suggestions?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Comments Enabled... For Good! 4

Sorry if you've wanted to comment on a JE with comments disabled (yeah, of course :P), but I've now enabled comments for good. Stupid slashdot restoring my preferences...

User Journal

Journal Journal: Bloat 1.0 Released!

From The Nobody-Gives-A-Crap Department

I feel that Bloat now has enough features and "stability" to be version 1.0... so I released it!
Bloat 1.0 has added support for RPMs, MSCompress files and it adds an installer script.



UPDATE!!! Enabled comments and fixed the title :-/

User Journal

Journal Journal: Bloat 0.5 Released 2

Well, I overcame the problems I had with bunzip2 and uncompress (thanks sibn) and 0.5 is now out! If you use bloat, I'd recommend the upgrade. From the "press release":

Bloat 0.5 has just been released - get it whilst it's hot! This version has had major code changes since 0.4, and hopefully is much better and cleaner than previous versions.
The biggest change in this version of bloat is the removal of the reliance on hard-coded paths. 0.5 first checks for the tool in the PATH variable, then - if it cannot find it - checks one hardcoded destination. This should pick up the vast majority of configurations out there. The check funtion has also been reimplemented.
Support for autopackage has been vastly improved, Webmin has been fixed (it always used to assume tar/gz), and two new formats - RAR and ARJ - have been implemented.
For those who like technical documentation, POD (Plain Old Documentation) has been added. This can be easily converted into man, HTML and many other formats.
Filename detection has also been vastly improved since 0.4 - it is now case-insensitive.

UPDATE: Helps if I give you URLs... Bloat's Site, and Download Page.


Journal Journal: Filters - Great! 3

Well, in PSE today we were supposed to look up information on cannabis, with regards to a discussion on legalisation. One small problem: our damn filter system blocks any URLs with "cannabis" or "marijuana" in them... which meant we couldn't even access the URL we were told to visit. Thanks a lot, RM!

Still, at least it meant I could do other crap, like read slashdot ;).

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