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Journal Journal: WikiLeaks provides an EU Software Strategy view

WikiLeaks Source

The influence is not stone-toss obvious, but the referenced PDFs do provide some interesting reading. WikiLeaks Title: Documents expose the influence of US lobbies on the EU WorkGroup on Open Source, 2009

I was interested in the V3-pdf Software Strategy v3..pdf ideas and what I thought was an obvious (USA NOW typica!) lack of vision/prescience. Yes, it was not a favorable OSS review. A bit simple/single minded for academic EU quality, which does indicates some corporatism-bias (anti-Capitalism) and profit motive surreptitiously insulting OSS.

Anyway, I was surprised that the obvious to me was totally overlooked. Software/product is not the means to innovation, synergy, economic growth....

The ROI/value is enabling folks to have greater means. Technology, software/hardware/services... when enabling people to do far more with far less provides innovation, synergy, economic growth.... Learning is the key enabler for all people/things/time/value.... The ability to share, collaborate and innovate with other folks always has a synergistic effect, and adds the apt/agile evolving economic value.

Anyway, am I right to think that the wealth of a nation/union are the people/citizens learning and sharing?

Can a nation and an economy be secure, stable and strong when we focus on enabling technologies for people and local communities?

What do /. folks think...?

The alphabet, the wheel, agriculture, horse domestication, bio/nanotech, robots, cars, hardware/software are all enablers of human production, performance, cultural evolution... the real economic stuff that create greater wealth for more or less (government/corporatist dependent).


User Journal

Journal Journal: For hire 1

Are you, your employer or someone you know looking for someone with a well-rounded information technology background, who is highly organized, very personable, who finds solution to every problem, able to train people in a classroom setting and with the ability to adapt to changing situations? If so, I'd like to hear from them.

I will not claim to be an uber-geek nor will I pretend to know more than I do. I have a very simple mantra: When I know, I'll tell you. When I don't, I'll find out.

I am currently employed but completely bored and have advanced as far as I can in my current position. I can feel my brain cells dying every day.

Looking for something along the lines of Junior PM or hands-on work. A variety of tasks would be optimum.

Neither programming nor Linux are in my repetoire though I have fiddled with both.

You know that person who people ask for long after they left because things ran so smoothly when they were around? That's me.


Journal Journal: Abstinence best way not to have kids, says teen mother 7

Ok, I'll admit it. NOT having sex is the only surefire way of not getting a woman pregnant (unless of course you're Mary Magdalene in which case you're, um, screwed). It's absolutely, 100% guaranteed to prevent pregnancies as well as contracting unwanted critters and afflictions.

However (you knew that was coming, didn't you?), to say that abstinence is the ONLY thing kids (and hell, let's throw in supposed adults as well) should be taught is right up there with claiming psychics work (they don't. If they did, why would they need your money?).

What makes this subject so delightful to me is once again I get to show the hypocrisy of my own party and its supposed "Family Values" campaign. I mean, there was Ronald Reagan and his divorce (nice way of sticking it out big guy), Newt Gingrich (way to show class by handing your wife divorce papers while she lay in bed recovering from surgery), and of course the king of family values, Rush Limbaugh and his two (soon to be three) divorces.

Beyond all that, we have this gem from an interview from this morning:

"It's kind of a fine line that we're walking on,"... "sharing [name deleted]'s experience with other teenagers -- sharing the mistake she made a year ago," and helping other girls to learn from it."

In case you haven't guessed, the person in question is none other than teenage babe of the moment, Bristol Palin. The above quote from her father raises so many questions, this text field isn't long enough to list and answer them all.

My only two comments will be these: Bristol now has the pleasure of telling her son when he's old enough that his grandfather considers him a mistake and can we finally, once and for all, get off this nonsense of abstinence-only education? It doesn't work! Period. Every study done on schools who have an abstinence-only sex ed program shows the teen pregnancy rate has risen since implementation of the program.

Enough of the hypocrisy! Show a woman giving birth. Hear the screams of pain. Show the purple, slime-covered alien popping forth. Or, as the character Rachel from 'Friends' so classically put it: Why is that baby torturing that woman?

Journal Journal: Quit fucking with the code, morons! 2

How hard is it NOT to fuck things up? I'm looking at a story and wondering why I can't see all the threads as I used to be able to when I realize there's some shitass option on the left side of the page telling me how many full and partial threads there.

There's no explanation for how to see the threads the way you've been seeing them for the last SIX YEARS and if you dare to click on the Comments header, POOF!, everything collapses.

This constant screwing around with what amounts to a simple interface is exactly why you don't let programmers anywhere near the development process. I can't tell you how many times I had to deal with problems created as a direct result of programmers who think they know what they're doing.

It's bad enough one can't easily see if they have any new moderations from comments or get to said comments without having to jump through hoops. Now this ball of shit comes up.



Journal Journal: M$ Employee Admits M$'s Poor Security Reputation. 3

Roger Grimes makes this startling admission of public perception:

Youll often read similar recommendations to dump Microsofts Internet Explorer (I work full-time for Microsoft) and use any other browser instead. To completely protect yourself, theyll advise moving off of Microsoft Windows all together.

He goes on to make some long winded excuses and insult users in a way that's completely torn apart in the comments. His readers sanely point out that Window's endless problems have been well demonstrated. What's interesting about this article is not the same old blame the user and "popularity" excuses, it's that M$ is no longer able to pretend to the general public that "computer experts" still trust Windows. They don't and neither does anyone else any more.

The Courts

Journal Journal: Ghost Article: The Long Term Impact of Jacobsen v. Katzer 2

Sorry, no time for fancy formatting. Here's the article... I don't keep up with the topic, so I don't know why it got yanked. Here's the link, in case it comes back: Enjoy!

The Long Term Impact of Jacobsen v. Katzer
Posted by timothy in The Mysterious Future!
from the stabs-in-the-dark dept.

snydeq ( writes
"Lawyer Jonathan Moskin has called into question the long-term impact ( last year's Java Model Railroad Interface court ruling will have on open source adoption among corporate entities. For many, the case in question, Jacobsen v. Katzer (, has represented a boon for open source, laying down a legal foundation for the protection of open source developers ( But as Moskin sees it, the ruling 'enables a set of potentially onerous monetary remedies for failures to comply with even modest license terms, and it subjects a potentially larger community of intellectual property users to liability (' In other words, in Moskin's eyes, Jacobsen v. Katzer could make firms wary of using open source software because they fear that someone in the food chain has violated a copyright, thus exposing them to lawsuit. It should be noted that Moskin's firm has represented Microsoft in anti-trust litigation before the European Union."


Journal Journal: They're following our lead! Hooray!!!! 1

To those who kept harping on George Bush for his occupation of Iraq, see now the fruits of his labors. This is what the nearly 4300 men and women of the armed forces were fighting for: spreading the American way.

It's so heartening to see other countries following our lead. After all, Christianity is a peaceful religion so our occupation has shown the way to this muslim country .

Let us celebrate the crowning achievement of our occupation. Rejoice in knowing that in Iraq, just like the U.S., being born gay can get you killed.

Journal Journal: Mini Microsoft Bemones a Moribund M$

I enjoy gloating, so a pair of articles, 1 and 2, from the M$ employee known as Mini Microsoft were quite enjoyable. It sucks to work for a big dumb company that's being raped by greedy and stupid people at the top of the org chart. It must suck even more at a company like M$, which long ago became a parasitic cult, loathed when people have the inclination to care. Mini's observations come through rose colored glasses, but there's no mistaking the lack of motivation and useful leadership.

He's got mood swings the size of Steve Ballmer's ego. He swings from wishing everyone well to wanting people fired, now - damn it! Desperately, he seeks a simple solution for his broken company but realizes none is can be found. This is typical of the emotional rollercoaster employees of a failing company ride.

Do you think that the concept of shared sacrifice would work at Microsoft? If it still felt like a company driven by the employees, probably so. ... if we still felt like the drive and ambition of the front-line employees shaped the company and defined it, then helping one another would make sense. But the huge growth shattered that sense of employee ownership, abetted by the abysmal Microsoft stock performance we've had since, yes, Mr. Ballmer became CEO.

Microsoft gorged itself at the buffet bar of mediocre hires. And now we're bursting at the seams and deadlocked. We are stagnant right when we have two major product releases coming in for landing ... Zero attrition. Stagnation. Organizational constipation. Nothing good comes out of that but corporate sepsis.

He proposes a crazy plan where people can move freely in the company but crashes hard the very same day. He celebrates the fifth birthday of his blog by basically saying, "I was right, M$ is stupid and hopeless. All of my efforts have been wasted."

Soon to be five years ago, I started this blog up because I felt Microsoft was a train not only off-track but also heading straight for a cliff. We were massively expanding and incapable of dealing with the exponential complexity that a fast growing Microsoft required of us. It appeared as though we were growing for growth's sake and without a particular elegant plan in mind. [twitter note: most people think they were just buying revenue to keep their stock price from collapsing.] ...

... Early 2009, we publically reached that cliff and went flying off. ... all the publicity this blog has garnered and the awkward questions it forced to be asked, none of it helped to avoid that cliff we've been steaming towards the last five years. My reality check has been cashed.

Yes Mini, you were right. Non free software quit making sense about a decade ago. Everything M$ has done since then has been to perpetuate a lie to enrich top leadership at M$, broadcast media and other fraudulent companies. Vista is non free software's crowning achievement in treacherous and disfunctional computing. Re arranging the org chart won't make Windows 7 any better. The non free software development model will never be able to provide enough resources to code production to make it competitive. This is true even if M$ were to quit wasting billions on Zune, Xbox, advertising and executive toys like the world's larges private yacht and failed private resort towns. But they won't do that any more than they will divest NBC, CNBC or any of the rest of the news organizations bought by M$, the Gates Foundation or funded by M$'s massive budget. The lies will go on till the company falls over like Enron did. M$ has entered the same death spiral it created for so many more worthy companies over the years. M$'s demise alone won't bring the owners of those other companies justice. That will take many protracted lawsuits to strip the ill gotten wealth from those who think they have gotten away with it. A country of ruined worker bees will be more than happy to see it happen.


Journal Journal: This is why you shouldn't trespass 2

This isn't really about Mozilla but the icon is the closest thing I could find for this story.

Before I give you the link, I want it known and on the record that someday I will hug one of these cuddly, wuddly descendants of dinosaurs. The trick is in the timing.

CNN link

And now you know, the rest of the story.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Waking Up 14

*blinks, looks around* Hmmmm....wha?

Four years. Wow.

I've just realized that I've spent nearly every free moment of the last four years of my life playing WoW. That's why I stopped posting here, and really haven't been heard of on any part of the net except within the game. What an unbelievable time sink. Even worse than Slashdot!

I quit a few weeks ago. I'll probably go back to playing at some point, but I'd really like to include other things in my life again. I even made a facebook profile.

I have no idea whether any of my old /. friends are still here or not, but I figured I'd post just to let anyone who is around know that I'm awake.

For what its worth, I'm still married, I have an 18 month old son named Rowan, and I'm living near Denver. My website is doing well, but I'm still working a day job to help pay the bills and get benefits. Life has been pretty quiet, which is very nice.

I'll probably post more later...

It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal Journal: You said you'd get married! I can't believe you lied to me! 7

I am just so bummed. All the planning, all the arrangements for airfare, transportation, hotel room, all the gifts I were going to bring are now a crumpled mass of paper in the wastebin of life. I can't believe it actually happened.

I just want to curl into a ball and rock myself to sleep, my life now a shell of its former self. I was so sure things would work out. How could I have been so wrong?

Journal Journal: The classic X argument

This is the classic X argument (Score:4, Insightful)
by Featureless (599963)
03:37 PM March 8th, 2003

(#5469153) Someone comes along and points out X's shortcommings and calls for its replacement. Someone else (who fancies themselves older and/or wiser) comes along and disagrees strenuously, and tries to make X11 out to be the greatest UI ever created. Look... it's "network transparent," it's "flexible," it's "fast," we can just extend it to give it whatever features it lacks, etc. etc.

Ugh. I don't buy it.

To put it in perspective, lots of Unix has a big organization problem. X is just emblematic. It's "lower-level" APIs are a big stinking mess. Ever tried to program against it without a super-high-level bit of middleware? Then let's talk about how nice it is. If you're not up on this, try reading JWZ's rants on it (many written as he was porting Netscape)? X is a 4 foot high sandwich of crap, layer after layer between you and the display, full of massive, sucking complexity, the bugs, inefficiency... even during this supposedly wonderful "network transparent" windowing this foul stew shows its colors, as no combination of two applications or X servers quite looks the same. It's a verifiability nightmare, too, of course (and for instance, disabling X's many attempts to listen and talk on the network are one of the first things you do to secure a machine properly - and for real security, you avoid installing X altogether).

The API design itself is atrocious. The much-touted "flexibility" is really code for laziness - it was a lot of work to do a proper GUI, so no one did it. The mishmash of X server extensions, window managers, font handling systems, etc. that's been cobbled together has led to a nightmare for both programers and users, as any given application doesn't just require "X", but a complex recipe of libraries and versions, and an end-user experience where no two applications look or act the same... or even remotely similar... Where cutting and pasting between windows is a pipe dream, and young geniuses still struggle to configure fonts properly for linux distributors.

Or to just put it plainly, as my friend (who from time to time would write X windows gadgets) would say, it's only about twice as hard as managing the video memory yourself.

"And thank god it's not all standardized, or we'd never have had all those wonderful experiments with different ways to do a GUI that never actually happened." In practice, no system is immune from its initial design choices, and it's been an endless series of awful MacOS knockoffs, multi-button madness, color-pallete spinning goofiness. Is X11 a "GUI experimenters toolbench?" Then I think it's time for something a little more grounded in everyday realities of computer use.

I'm not even warmed up yet. I mean, X is still peppering the filesystem with a hedge-maze of exotically formatted text files describing the hex colors of every pixel of the trim of every window for a variety of appliations and classes in a complex inheritance and assignment scheme that few X developers even understand. Check it out, your XDefaults are "human readable."

Shall we even discuss its security model?

Modern Linux has tried to make its peace with X through wrappers, and we write against Tcl/Tk, Qt, inside the Gnome or KDE framework, and yet still the focus groups come back crying... we try to blame overfamiliarity with windows, but the problems are bigger... all of Unix (and of course Linux) suffers from the same class of problems that X does; as, for instance, an application needs to prompt you to insert a series of CD's, but there is no "single, authoritiative, standard" place to go find out what CD drives are installed on the computer, and what their device names are (yes, we know what they _usually_ are), and finding out if any of the CDs are already inserted involves parsing the text output of a proc file or a mount command, and so on and so forth... And all of this is being done by a messy bash script... so it's no surprise this functionatlity is broken even in, for instance, RedHat's own v8 package manager... I hope you can grasp the metaphor.

It's a mess. Patches won't clean it up. Frankly, it's time we took the whole GUI back to the drawing board. But even if MacOS is the end-all/be-all, we can do it a hell of a lot better than we do in X.

Following are some choice quotes from Don Hopkins' [] essay:

X-Windows is the Iran-Contra of graphical user interfaces: a tragedy of political compromises, entangled alliances, marketing hype, and just plain greed. X-Windows is to memory as Ronald Reagan was to money. Years of "Voodoo Ergonomics" have resulted in an unprecedented memory deficit of gargantuan proportions. Divisive dependencies, distributed deadlocks, and partisan protocols have tightened gridlocks, aggravated race conditions, and promulgated double standards.

X has had its share of $5,000 toilet seats -- like Sun's Open Look clock tool, which gobbles up 1.4 megabytes of real memory! If you sacrificed all the RAM from 22 Commodore 64s to clock tool, it still wouldn't have enough to tell you the time. Even the vanilla X11R4 "xclock" utility consumed 656K to run. And X's memory usage is increasing. ...

X was designed to run three programs: xterm, xload, and xclock. (The idea of a window manager was added as an afterthought, and it shows.) For the first few years of its development at MIT, these were, in fact, the only programs that ran under the window system. Notice that none of these program have any semblance of a graphical user interface (except xclock), only one of these programs implements anything in the way of cut-and-paste (and then, only a single data type is supported), and none of them requires a particularly sophisticated approach to color management. Is it any wonder, then, that these are all areas in which modern X falls down? ...

As a result, one of the most amazing pieces of literature to come out of the X Consortium is the "Inter Client Communication Conventions Manual," more fondly known as the "ICCCM", "Ice Cubed," or "I39L" (short for "I, 39 letters, L"). It describes protocols that X clients ust use to communicate with each other via the X server, including diverse topics like window management, selections, keyboard and colormap focus, and session management. In short, it tries to cover everything the X designers forgot and tries to fix everything they got wrong. But it was too late -- by the time ICCCM was published, people were already writing window managers and toolkits, so each new version of the ICCCM was forced to bend over backwards to be backward compatible with the mistakes of the past.

The ICCCM is unbelievably dense, it must be followed to the last letter, and it still doesn't work. ICCCM compliance is one of the most complex ordeals of implementing X toolkits, window managers, and even simple applications. It's so difficult, that many of the benefits just aren't worth the hassle of compliance. And when one program doesn't comply, it screws up other programs. This is the reason cut-and-paste never works properly with X (unless you are cutting and pasting straight ASCII text), drag-and-drop locks up the system, colormaps flash wildly and are never installed at the right time, keyboard focus lags behind the cursor, keys go to the wrong window, and deleting a popup window can quit the whole application. If you want to write an interoperable ICCCM compliant application, you have to crossbar test it with every other application, and with all possible window managers, and then plead with the vendors to fix their problems in the next release.

In summary, ICCCM is a technological disaster: a toxic waste dump of broken protocols, backward compatibility nightmares, complex nonsolutions to obsolete nonproblems, a twisted mass of scabs and scar tissue intended to cover up the moral and intellectual depravity of the industry's standard naked emperor.

                Using these toolkits is like trying to make a bookshelf out of mashed potatoes.
                - Jamie Zawinski ...

The fundamental problem with X's notion of client/server is that the proper division of labor between the client and the server can only be decided on an application-by-application basis. Some applications (like a flight simulator) require that all mouse movement be sent to the application. Others need only mouse clicks. Still others need a sophisticated combination of the two, depending on the program's state or the region of the screen where the mouse happens to be. Some programs need to update meters or widgets on the screen every second. Other programs just want to display clocks; the server could just as well do the updating, provided that there was some way to tell it to do so. ...

What this means is that the smarter-than-the-average-bear user who actually managed to figure out that

snot.fucked.stupid.widget.fontList: micro

is the resource to change the font in his snot application, could be unable to figure out where to put it. Suzie sitting in the next cubicle will tell him, "just put it in your .Xdefaults", but if he happens to have copied Fred's .xsession, he does an xrdb .xresources, so .Xdefaults never gets read. Susie either doesn't xrdb, or was told by someone once to xrdb .Xdefaults. She wonders why when she edits .Xdefaults, the changes don't happen until she 'logs out', since she never reran xrdb to reload the resources. Oh, and when she uses the NCD from home, things act `different', and she doesn't know why. "It's just different sometimes."

Joe Smartass has figured out that XAPPLRESDIR is the way to go, as it allows him to have separate files for each application. But he doesn't know what the class name for this thing is. He knows his copy of the executable is called snot, but when he adds a file Snot or XSnot or Xsnot, nothing happens. He has a man page which forgot to mention the application class name, and always describes resources starting with '*', which is no help. He asks Gardner, who fires up emacs on the executable, and searches for (case insensitve) snot, and finds a few SNot strings, and suggests that. It works, hooray. He figures he can even use SNot*fontList: micro to change all the fonts in the application, but finds that a few widgets don't get that font for some reason. Someone points out that he has a line in his .xresources (or was it a file that was #included in .xresources) of the form *fucked*fontList: 10x22, which he copied from Steve who quit last year, and that of course that resources is 'more specific' than his, whatever the fuck that means, so it takes precedence. Sorry, guy. He can't even remember what application that resource was supposed to change anymore. Too bad. ...

On the whole, X extensions are a failure. The notable exception that proves the rule is the Shaped Window extension, which was specifically designed to implement round clocks and eyeballs. But most application writers just don't bother using proprietarty extensions like Display PostScript, because X terminals and MIT servers don't support them. Many find it too much of a hassle to use more ubiquitous extensions like shared memory, double buffering, or splines: they still don't work in many cases, so you have to be prepared to do without them. If you really don't need the extension, then why complicate your code with the special cases? And most applications that do use extensions just assume they're supported and bomb if they're not.


Journal Journal: Tech Interviewing someone higher up than you? 9

First of all, I don't want this published to the frontpage...
Having said that, I have a quick question. I'm a Java guy that manages a few younger java guys. I have been asked to tech a .net guy that (according to his resume) has managed over 30 developers. How do I tech a guy like that? Do I just stick with OO/patterns questions? I know how to tech a java guy, but one that has more experience than me is a daunting task...

Journal Journal: Dragonball Z movie is on the way!

For those that have ever watched Dragonball Z, the Hollywood version will be released in less than 2 months in the U.S. though asian fans will get to see it next month.

This article from Mainichi Daily News talks about some of the changes the producer made as well as comments from three of the actors playing characters.

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