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Comment Re:The chain of trust is broken. (Score 1) 110

The technology to finally create the web of trust exists: cell phones, NFC/barcode scanner on phone, push notification (to nag you to connect to nearby friends)

The technology for more secure communication and authentication exists: smart cards (not yet compatible with cell phones)

There is clearly not a need yet for users to join the web of trust.

Comment Re:Of course they did! (Score 1) 103

>> But they'd been told by the feds that if they didn't, they'd be charged under secret laws and dropped into a deep, dark hole

I'm pretty sure that if Steve Jobs was around and if the damage to Apple's reputation outvalued their good relationship with government then he would find a morally justifiable solution.

Comment Not PHP (Score 1) 230

Can't you just use use documentation to set your variables' type and then use a PHP compiler to check if you broke the rules?

Then you can still use the baseline or any compatible PHP runtime and use documentation-completeness + compiling tools to tell you if you are following the more strict rules.

Comment Re:Don't forget visibility (Score 1) 405

> My wife can hardly drive any vehicle newer than about five years old now because she can't see out of any of them while driving.

I was wondering if this was a thing or if for some reason my massively beastly 6'2" build was putting me 6 standard deviations outside of normal that cars were designed for.

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It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
