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Comment Re:No (Score 1) 318

Ideally, we try not to let teenagers mess up their lives permanently for stuff they do as children. It's not possible to succeed completely, but telling a 35-year-old that they should suffer from stupid posts they made when they were 15 does absolutely no good. Consequences need to be fairly fast to be useful in molding behavior.

Comment Re:If I could abort child, I can do ANYTHING (Score 1) 318

What I want is the kids not being removed from their family twice for no good reason (like allowing stuff that was perfectly standard when I was a kid). That's going to traumatize the kids. Kids are resilient, but it's best not to disrupt their lives like that arbitrarily.

Comment Re:Let me rephrase that quesion (Score 1) 365

The problem with that is that the user has to go get something that's used by a relatively small number of people. In the early Hypercard days, all the stuff you needed to write programs was installed on your Macintosh, and there were lots of books about how to make Hypercard stacks. It was useful for some fairly good things, like the first version of Myst. I wasn't following it very well, but later Apple took the ability to write stacks out of the standard OS, then the ability to run them.

Comment Re:Swift (Score 1) 365

It's been going on for a long time. COBOL was intended to remove the need for business programmers, by making things so simple and self-explanatory that even a manager could understand them. Assembly language was called "automatic programming" back then, since all you had to do was write this text file and you didn't even have to assign your own memory locations.

Comment Re:Bitcoin Microtransactions (Score 1) 394

The problem with Bitcoin is that it's an expensive transaction. Somebody has to do the proof-of-work to verify the transaction, and the proof-of-work is deliberately expensive. The only way to do it is to batch transactions, and that runs into the same problems as doing it with dollars or euros.

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