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Comment Re:customers refusing to tolerate insecure product (Score 1) 157

I don't see the difference. You say "legally constrained", but such constraints can only be enforced by government. If the government is pro-surveillance, they will co-opt the corporations that collect information and attack the *cough*Qwest*cough* ones that don't. If the government wants to throw you in Gitmo, they'll get all of Google's information on you. Corporation vs. government will not protect you.

Comment Re:Killing us with rent (Score 1) 496

IT Salaries are also lower here, cancelling out part of the lower cost of living. You may or may not find it attractive. Right now, I have this feeling that maybe it would be nice to live somewhere without all that slippery ice on the sidewalks, like they don't have in southern California, but that's temporary.

If you have serious equity on a house in an expensive area, you'll find that it translates well into a very nice house here (and getting said very nice, large, house is the way to avoid certain taxes).

Comment Re:Bullshit Stats. (Score 1) 496

What you seem to be saying is that harder jobs, or jobs requiring more education, pay more. I don't buy this "emotional rewarding" idea, since that seems to be your unsupported guess, potentially a "god of the gaps" way to explain sexual differences in careers, and because some typically male careers are emotionally rewarding in their own way. I also don't know that women try to be artists more than men do. (I was never partial to the "starving" part of that, although I would benefit from calorie reduction.)

So, you've failed to explain why women get easier jobs that require less education, while men get harder jobs that require more education. There's a tremendous number of things that could explain it partially or completely, and they vary from the downright sexist to the neutral.

As far as your last paragraph goes...I don't know that there is any real obstacle to women in management, although I do see more men in such roles, but showing that a man can get an MBA and become a manager is not evidence that a woman could.

Comment Re:Bullshit Stats. (Score 1) 496

That says nothing about sexism in society as a whole. It says nothing about whether woman are pushed towards lower-paying careers, and that does seem to happen to some extent. Your reasoning about women's choice of careers is entirely unsupported by you, and I don't remember reading any credible study that came to that conclusion.

Comment Re:neat tricks (Score 1) 68

the part of your brain that's responsible for unconscious generation of realistic objects in dreams

There's very little that's realistic about dreams. Even Kekule's famous dream about the benzene molecule wasn't very realistic, since carbon atoms don't dance and hole hands. Any realism you likely see in dreams is because you can't tell the difference when you're dreaming.

Comment Re:The biggest news was left out (Score 1) 68

It separates hedge fund managers from janitors.

Don't leave us in suspense: which job is displaying intelligence?

Different races and ethnicities also tend towards different means.

Impossible to show. Different cultures tend towards different means, for various reasons. To demonstrate IQ differences between races, we'd have to eliminate cultural differences.

If Einstein did not so great on an IQ test,

As far as I can tell, based on a little Googling, Einstein never took an IQ test. Various people have estimated his IQ at 160 or more, on what basis I don't know. There is a persistent rumor that Einstein had bad grades, but AFAICT that's not true.

Comment Re:That was 3 years ago (Score 1) 222

No, the markets do not account for climate change costs. In a market, transactions take place based on what the buyer gets and what the seller gets, and they tend to ignore externalities, and it is the sum of these transactions that make up the market. Now, the impact of a single person's purchasing habits are negligible in CO2 output, and do not specifically hurt that person, so said person might buy a gas guzzler instead of an economical car, paying no attention to global warming.

One of the functions of government in the marketplace is to force the internalization of externalities. This leads to a marketplace that produces better results.

Comment Re:That was 3 years ago (Score 1) 222

Except that you darn well can invent cheaper technology sometimes. When IC memory was invented it basically wiped out core memory production (core memory was lattices of little magnetic cores with lots of wires running through them, produced by skilled labor). Earlier, the invention of the cast iron naval cannon revolutionized naval warfare because of cannon cost, after centuries of trying to make bronze and wrought-iron guns cheaper.

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