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Comment Re:call me skeptical (Score 0) 360

I'm skeptical when the data set is not big enough to show the trend. We would need records for hundreds of thousands of years to make the claim it's either warming or cooling fact is we can't make either claim with any certainty due to incomplete data, we are talking a body that has cooling and warming cycles that last hundreds or even thousands of years.

Do we have enough data on record to account for those long term trends?

Comment Re:Solar, solar, solar. Also, solar. (Score 1) 360

The most notable consequence of the last temperature change of this rapidity was a dieoff of what percentage of life forms inhabiting the region now known as North America? I'm not sure. Another comment claimed half the mammal species, though. We might find that inconvenient.

By chance were any of those species that died out capable of farming? Or have access to our level of technology?

It might seem that way if you ignore the fact that small changes in sea level can mean very serious changes for storm surges.

So we move inland and lose Florida and Brussels.

Not in any serious percentage, and we continue to produce CO2-producing power plants as fast as we can, as a species.

The day will come when we run out of fuel. We will be overpopulated well before climate affects us on a large scale.

Not for a psychopath. Our particular political system is apparently designed to put them in office and keep them there.

Bang on!

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