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Comment Re:Don't raise wages. Demand lower prices. (Score 4, Interesting) 870

Imagine a world where a computer can always do it cheaper than a human. In that case, no humans will be employed. In this scenario, what is the harm in providing people with income via fiat money creation? I don't see much harm as long as it does not spend past the point of rampant inflation, and I sure as hell can see the harm in letting people go hungry without hope of income.


Android Beats iOS As the Top Tablet OS 487

sfcrazy writes "Linux is on a roll. After conquering the smartphone space, Android is now dominating the tablet space. According to a new study by Gartner, 'the tablet growth in 2013 was fueled by the low-end smaller screen tablet market, and first time buyers; this led Android to become the No. 1 tablet operating system (OS), with 62 percent of the market.'" Also, everyone is buying tablets.(~200 million sold in 2013 vs ~115 million in 2012). Microsoft still only has 2% of the tablet market.

Comment Re:Skyrim (Score 2) 669

I havent played 5.
I originally had III. Loved it. I like the research system where you set percentages to each tech you'd like to concurrently research. IV went to a queue system, which is ok. However SEIV had other improvements over III, and is more compatible. I just generally love the game.
I havent played tactical much since Im playing multiplayer, and the game is not RT

Comment Re:Just shit in the camera users mouths (Score -1, Offtopic) 478

I personally disagree with the AC opinion, but that is a matter of taste.
soylent has about 1000 users joined in the first day, have some good posters. We will see how it fares after the novelty ends. Still the articles are more interesting so far, and there are some decent comments.

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