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Submission + - Seclists.Org shut down by Myspace and GoDaddy

korozion writes: "Fyodor reports that SecLists.Org security mailing list archive was down most of yesterday (Wed). He continues on talking about what happened ... "I woke up yesterday morning to find a voice message from my domain registrar (GoDaddy) saying they were suspending the domain One minute later I received an email saying that has "been suspended for violation of the Abuse Policy"." The whole message can be seen at"

The 360's Japanese Status Revisited 68

Next Generation is reporting on more elements of the Xbox 360's presence in Japan. From the corporate side of things, the head of the Xbox division in Japan can be referred to as vaguely pessimistic. From the article: "Two RPGs from such a prolific fellow as Sakaguchi may strike a chord in Japan, but Microsoft will have to pull out even more tricks with the impending launch of the Wii and PS3, both of which Japan gamers favor over the Xbox brand. Right now, the Xbox 360 can't even make any headway sans next-gen competition. 'Globally we are doing very well but Japan has always been tough,' Huston admitted. 'We launched early and with not enough Japan-specific content.'" They're also running an article looking deeper into the situation, an examination from an outsider's perspective. From that article: "Mr. Huston has also commented that the 360 'launched early,' which is true in many senses of the word -- they launched before all their competitors, they launched early into the popularity of high-definition televisions in Japan, and they launched earlier than any good games. It was widely believed by Microsoft Japan that Dead or Alive 4 would save the system at launch, though really, how naive is that?"

Apple vs Bloggers 271

Moby Cock writes "Jason O'Grady has posted a story on his ZDNet blog detailing the state of the current legal trouble he is embroiled in with Apple. He views it as another salvo in Apple's efforts to stamp out rumour sites posting 'trade secrets' prior to the official announcements. The discussion becomes rather pointed and goes as far as to suggest that the case is really a case in support of freedom of the press." From the article: "At issue was a series of stories that I ran in October 2004 about an upcoming product that was in development. Was it the next great PowerBook? Maybe the a red hot iPod? Maybe a killer new version of the OS? Nah. The stories about a FireWire breakout box for GarageBand, code-named 'Asteroid.' Yawn."

Hidden Treasures in OpenOffice 2.0's Chart Tool 188

Jane Walker writes "Take a tour of the multi-layered charting tools of OpenOffice 2.0's Charting Wizard, as you learn to create, edit and master the art of making a polished chart." From the article: "The chart features in OpenOffice are like a mystery-lover's dream vacation: a huge, mysterious old house with lots of long halls, secret bookcases, dark closets and creaky doors that, when you peer behind them, reveal wonderful secrets."
User Journal

Journal Journal: Mod points looking for a good home

Greetings to those who see such capacity in me that, despite my long absence, you haven't taken the minimal effort to defriend me, allowing another to join the limited capacity of your zoo. I fear college has done a decent job of keeping me occupied combined with financial issues, relationship issues, new friends, and discovering role playing. Yes, that's the sound of the sixth year of my undergraduate degree beginning. It sounds


Journal Journal: Perspective on Microsoft

Anyone who develops applications for Windows or likes a little insight into how things work behind the scenes in Microsoft is probably already aware that Microsoft encourages its employees to keep blogs. Once in a while, I read one of these blogs, "The Old New Thing" maintained by a Mr. Raymond Chen. He writes interesting, though somewhat basic tutorials on basic concepts, pitfalls, and good practice with the Windows API. For example, in th

Puzzle Games (Games)

Journal Journal: Monstrous modpoints, Batman! 1

I'm sure many out there consider the moderation system to be something akin to sewage in a modern town: Perhaps necessary, but stinky, and best left to others who make it happen. For those of you who couldn't care less about this journal, feel free to comment on the uselessness of it and discourage me from further filling your inbox with such drivel. For those interested in maintaining your custom, state of the art cess pool, complete with fans, luminescent paint, and alligators, read on.

Journal Journal: Asterisks everywhere

Just in case I'm not the only one who needed to know why asterisks were appearing everywhere next to people's name in the comments: They mark who is a subscriber. It'd be nice to, I dunno, have a real gold star instead of a random asterisk which no one cared to send us all a little message about. Probably already a feature request at the CVS. If not, maybe someone should add it? Maybe me. Anyhow, it ap

Journal Journal: My Karma Sucks because I Moderate

Slashdot's karma system has some interesting properties to it. Here's one that's particularly near to my heart: moderating will drop your karma much more often than it will raise it. As ones moderations at are meta-moderated, the results affect the moderator's karma. When you are meta-moderated down, you will lose a point of karma unle


Journal Journal: Meta Key

This goes to linux because prior to actually heavily using linux (college) I had only seen a few random mentions of the 'meta' key in my life. And I have yet to see any Windows/DOS/OS/2 program that had something that responded to a 'Meta' key. Perhaps that's because these are operating systems which have had a strong habit of tying themselves to the

Journal Journal: Distant Relations 1

I would love to properly submit this bug at the apporpriate SourceForge list, but I can't be bothered. Why? They require you to be a registered user to submit, and I'm not. I just wasted 10 minutes confirming this bug, and now they want me to spend another 10 to 20 validating an account just so I can submit a bug that likely won't be fixed unless I take 30 minutes to write and submit a patch as well? Blarg.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Total Dork (n):

  1. One who can't make humour appreciated by his peers
  2. One who gets excited when his Slashdot karma transitions to a new adjective

I still don't see what makes this quite so interesting. Do not question the moderators, for they work in strange and mysterious ways.

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