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Kevin Bachus Talks Next-Gen Console Wars 95

conq writes "In a piece on BusinessWeek, former Microsoft exex Kevin Bachus, who was part of the team who pitched the XBox to Bill Gates gives his opinion on the Microsoft/Sony gaming war: '...I believe that regardless of who comes out on top this time, the margin will be the closest it's been since the heady days of Nintendo and Sega. And as always, the winners will be the consumers and the publishers.'"
User Journal

Journal Journal: On friends and the zoo 10

A number of people have asked me why glamkowski, pudge, etc. etc. are on my friends list.

Simple, they're good people, we just disagree on political matters. Sometimes in a knock-down drag-out make-shit-up manner(at least on my part anyway) reminiscent of Vidal v. Buckley only w/o the sexual tension.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Boston Trip, thus Far 10

So I have journeyed up to Boston, the city where they gave a bunch of irishmen copious amounts of liquor and a primitive GPS system then used the meandering routes they took as a roadmap.

Once this roadmap was constructed, one-way signs, forks and intersections called Person you've never heard of square were randomly inserted in according to some arcane prophecy of confusion. Once this was completed, a crack team of battle-pixies ran around stealing street signs.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Mix Tape 7

Putting together a mix-tape for a friend of mine who hates hip-hop(yet likes techno), thinks all sorts of wrong things about it, and lives in alaska. Plus I'm tired of listening to the same old mewling indie shit.

User Journal

Journal Journal: The paragons of facism 8

Why is it that facism keeps rearing it's ugly head within the conservative camp?

I blame Reagan.

No, but seriously, what is with the rhetoric coming out of that side of the spectrum? It's not like they are more predisposed to it.

When someone says someone is anti-country they are placing the individual below the nation, and that's facism. Coulter is a facist bitch for example.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Sup my freedoms? 3

So, I've been taking part in my favorite and most freedom* thing to do. Being mean to people during a console launch.

In all seriousness though, if some of these doom and gloom rumors/posts on that defect/overheat issue are correct, MS is malowned. [Queue graphic of little timmy crying over his broken XBox 360] "Sorry Timmy! No christmas for you this year!" - Big Bad Bill

User Journal

Journal Journal: Hearings - Price Controls on Essential Commodities 1

During a state of emergency.

The big problem with doing this is that you will have shortages. The suppliers will charge what the market will bear, which will curb demand so things reach equilibrium. That's the free market.

The problem of course being that the free-market is, well, if anthropromophized, the most uncompassionate SoB ever to exist. This is what price controls attempt to address.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Civilization 4 - Impressions 3

They haven't fixed a few things that just don't make sense. For instance, my gunship(a helocopter) will still get damaged and even destroyed by melee units. Same with other advanced units. They still generally win due to greater strength, but you could in theory mob a modern unit with the right pre-modern units and take it down. IE: pikemen against cavalry(even though the cavalry have guns, they go down like a drug-addict in a back-alley desperate for a fix).

User Journal

Journal Journal: Devil's Dictionary 4

Corporation (noun): An ingenious device for obtaining individual profit without individual responsibility. - Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"

So true.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Gaming - Age restriction legislation 2

Personally, I see absolutely no problem with the restriction of adult(and licensed) material to minors(the SCOTUS, since our dear friend Fortas left it has been in complete agreement on the rights of children, special exemptions et all). There is a growing perception that this is a problem, and currently the political fallout goes largely to the content developers.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Gah... We hates flat file inits 11

Seriously, WTF?

This crap is the biggest reason why I hate Slackware. In a sane init system, to disable a service in a runlevel, cd to it, mv SXXdaemon sXXdaemon, boom, done. And you can quickly see that it's turned off. No need to open up a friggin file that contains ALL of the init scripts(or executes em, yay! a workaround to part of the annoyance!) to figure out what's what. One quick look. Done.

God how I hate that style of init.

User Journal

Journal Journal: No one mentioned 12

It's the 4 year anniversary of September 11th, 2001 at least not that I saw yet.

So, there you have it, it's the anniversary of that event. Not much else I can say on that topic.


User Journal

Journal Journal: Let me just say this 22

I don't give a shit how piss-poor the mayor of new orleans and the governor of Louisiana are. That's the pure fucking spin. I am a resident of NEITHER, the people of those areas can hold their OWN leaders asses to the fire, and I expect they will.

I do OTOH have to live with federal response to emergency events that MAY effect me.

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