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Journal buffer-overflowed's Journal: Sup my freedoms? 3

So, I've been taking part in my favorite and most freedom* thing to do. Being mean to people during a console launch.

In all seriousness though, if some of these doom and gloom rumors/posts on that defect/overheat issue are correct, MS is malowned. [Queue graphic of little timmy crying over his broken XBox 360] "Sorry Timmy! No christmas for you this year!" - Big Bad Bill

Considering at least half of those units they shipped are more than likely sitting wrapped up in a closet somewhere... ouch. I swear it's like watching SEGA all over again.


Comeon MS, smite someone that deserves it for once!

Peter Moore, you suck!

* - Brought to you by the Schlocam alliance of hiphop verbal engineering.

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Sup my freedoms?

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  • You know how we do!
    • Best bit about it is that the phrase:
      Coalition of the willing, Freedom! What's up with the attitude that Freedom isn't freedom but bashing Freedom is so freedom these days? That's not freedom!

      It actually means something!

      Do I what have to tack on a hyphonated component to the alliance?

      I'm actually a bit scared that ye olde misanthrope may have very well created lasting slang we'll be seeing on the TeeVee inside a decade. Until then we can be all hipster.
  • As long as they used string when wrapping. I'm sure ribbon will do, in a pinch.
    And no, I don't feel sorry for anyone who bought over eBay. Nor for the guy in Chicago who is suing.

"Remember, extremism in the nondefense of moderation is not a virtue." -- Peter Neumann, about usenet
