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Comment Re:What could go wrong with the Vomit Comet? (Score 1) 64

If that was your only worry about opening a bar... Here in Montreal within a week you'll have your local thugs muscling in. No matter how upscale the neighborhood looks during the day. I used to work in Old Montreal when there was a broad daylight assassination on my street. The bar also had regular stabbings at night...

Comment Re:Energy-matter synthesis (Score 5, Insightful) 223

I'm afraid that we've already got everything we need to make a much more comfortable society even with "just" the technology and resources we have now. That fact that we don't shows that something else is hard-wired into our biology: how to be complete and utter assholes.

I suspect even with completely free everything we'll still find ways to have taxes and rich and poor people.

Comment Re:this is why my kids won't be coders (Score 1) 294

Pretty much, yes. Would you rather I tell my kids "be a poor peon to keep other people rich"?

You can do that if you want, but my eyes are opened now. I used to be idealistic too.

If you buy a rental property, it will generate passive revenues in ten years.

What will the code you wrote today do for you in ten years? Yeah, unless you own it, nothing.

You can keep investing your time and energy to make other people rich, that's fine, but why burden your children with your neuroses?

Comment Re:this is why my kids won't be coders (Score 1) 294

Smart parenting. If I have kids, I'll pound it into their heads that technical stuff is for hobbies only. Unfortunately I fear we are heading back to the historical mean for the human race, laborers work garbage jobs with no future, you have the "gentry" and you have the rich families that control everything by blood line.

The gentry would be notaries, lawyers, accountants, managers, etc all jobs which could have been equally well replaced by outsourcing or automation but will never, ever be.

I'd also encourage them to become rentiers, buy a rental property ASAP.

Now that I'm 40 and am still struggling to find work in a dwindling technical area in Montreal, I see other people my age making millions for doing nothing of any real value I can see.

One guy opened an expensive all-hype hair salon. He has 5 expensive cars. All he does is maintain an image.

Real estate agents and notaries provide little to no actual service but have a legal framework to ensure their jobs. Optometrists are another case of something that could easily be replaced by automation but will never be.

Simply put, if you interact with a machine of any kind, you'll either be stuck in stagnating wages or in the perpetual education (at your expense!) treadmill.

I don't see my local landlords or business owners wearing diapers because they fear for their future.

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