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Comment Re: Why? (Score 1) 269

Having been in poor native housing in Mexico, part of Africa and the Middle East that is false. Eggs are amoung the most common items you will eat. For the few places that were able to purchase items they are cheap and last without refrigeration. For those that did not chicken are easy and cheap to raise, in the desert they require minimal water and they can find food if you let them loose on the dung pile.

Comment Re:If I am overseas as an American... (Score 1) 134

USA is one of the few countries that taxes you on income no matter where you earn it.
They can do it because you are a USA citizen and fall under it's laws and regulation. You can denounce your citizenship if you don't want to pay it; this tends to be reason you do get expats to denounce their citizenship if they can get it from another country.

Comment Re:Yeah, right (Score 1) 337

From the standpoint of the USA and for most Europian citizen the problem with traveling to North Korea is getting North Korea to allow you in.
Now when you get back,provided you got in, we have plenty of examples of what will happen and that is NOTHING.
Now if North Korea was hosting a bunch of training camps for various known and identified terrorist groups and you went to one of those for weeks or months you would have some problems when you came back.

Comment Re:Tesla (Score 1) 103

Saying that the government should take the money from people to do that would make you a commie.
Saying that it is the personal responsibility of people to do that make you a conservative.
Repeating that meme because you want to lessen what others are saying and because you read it so often from liberal sites just makes you an idiot.

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