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Comment Re:be sure to mess up SQL Server code as well.... (Score 1) 211

No, no and thrice no.

It might work for you team of developers but it would not work for my team of engineers. Unless it can be copied to a USB stick, it is useless.

Asking them to set up a query in Excel to pull data off Sharepoint..? Some of them can't even copy the URL to a Sharepoint webpage. These engineers are on GBP six-figure salaries.

Comment Re:I don't get it (Score 1) 479

Hmm, yeah, OK, sorry to pick on your post.

People are using Word wrong. Treat it like a HTML page and all is good. First, write your text (HTML). Second, make the formatting (CSS). Done, done and done. Don't try and do both at the same time.

Flow control? That's what "Keep with next", "Widow/orphan control" and "keep lines together" are for. All can be set with styles.

Frame control is a few right clicks away. Once you have one frame correct, use the format painter on the rest. This is done at the end of the job.

There are more styles than you can use. These have the same variables as CSS. Apply them at the end. They can be changed globally or on the fly, the choice is yours.

If you're re-tweeking formatting as you're typing, you are doing it wrong. Unless you have a fully working template to start with, and I have never ever seen one of those, even the ones I've written, you cannot apply formatting until the text is 99% complete.

I should teach this shit for money.

Comment Re:Better idea (Score 1) 174

Yeah. We should invent a protocol to transfer files, a file transfer protocol, so to speak. It would allow anonymous access, uploading and downloading, but no deleting. Deleting could only be done by the server admin.

For extra functionallity, we could allow a ratio system where the user must upload a file before being able to download. This might be a problem for people with massive upload speeds. We'd have to introduce some form of throttling too.

I'd like to see a discovery system introduced. It would have to be decentralised. Maybe each user could be assigned a netblock that they scan for anonymous access to file transfer protocol servers. They'd probably have to set the scan going overnight and report the findings in the morning.

I can't beleive something like this wasn't invented 40 years ago. It sounds so obvious.

Comment Re:Why I moderate the way I do (Score 1) 115

I've done similar in the past, but these days tend to let my mod points fade away.

I've said before, if I start modding comments early in the life of the thread, I can heavily influence the discussion path. Up-mod an interesting post, up-mod the argumentative reply, even up-mod a troll-ist AC and watch the fallout.

This was not possible in the early days. Bad mods were corrected and some of the group-think didn't exist.

Posts going all the way up to 10 mod points, and the default viewing level being +4, would solve this kind of manipulation.

Comment Re:Highly unusual? Hardly. (Score 1) 149

You type a lot of sense, but you're not quite right with the odds.

I play the exchanges, which means I am the bookmaker, and there is a phrase to follow: Bet high, lay low.

Placing three-fold bets at @7.00 (6:1) is never a good idea. Like you say, you'll win easily, but only 5 times out of 6. That sense of winning will stay with you and you'll win most of the time. You'll feel like a winner but, in truth, for every £10 you bet, you'll only ever see £9 in return. Longterm punters will recognise this pattern. Be a winner every week, but keep quiet about your loses.

Expect to lose most of your lays. They'll be the favourites. Expect to lose most of your bets. They'll be outsiders.

One @21.00 (20:1) win, every once in a while, will take care of the losses.

Only bet what you can afford to lose.

Betting is a mug's game and there's only one winner - the taxman.

Comment Re:There can be only one (Score 1) 682

So much anger in this thread.

Mine own child was using a phone since she knew how to say yes, no and OK.

How are you? OK
Have you been to playgroup today? Yes
Um, did you have something nice for dinner? No

They're slow and painful conversations at that age.

And now we have phones with video.

There doesn't need to be any outrage or claims of bad parenting.

Comment Re:Still sucks (Score 1) 127

Just a quick note: It plays all audio files I chuck at it too.

I know these are used within the AV containers, so there's no reason not to play them, but it's another tick in the box. I stopped using the excellent FooBar2000 a while back because VLC really does plays everything I chuck at it.

That's not to say there aren't problems with it. There have been memory problems in the past, artifacts while seeking, overly complex streaming and converting options, but these are all minor.

I would like more interface options. The minimal interface is not minimal enough in my eyes.

Comment Re:Abolish the licence fee (Score 2) 171

No where in the BBC charter does it say that.

They're not supoosed to chase ratings, but they do.

They're not supposed to promote state views, but they do.

They're supposed to be balanced, but they are far from balanced. Apple good, Android bad. Liverpool, Man Utd, Arsenal, Chelsea good, every other team bad. Israel good, the rest bad.

Inform the public? That's funny because when you read the news from other websites, you clearly see the BBC choosing not to report certain stories.

Their top story two weekends ago was about former Prime Minister Tony Blair's son getting married. Tabloid bullshit.

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