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Comment Re:Note to IT recruiters. (Score 2) 276

An MS cert does not trump someone with 2 years of real experience. MS certs are only for people that have zero experience hoping to work somewhere other than best buy.

I once had to help a MCSE guy configure an email account. In outlook. They have no value if there is no experience backing up the ability to pass a test. I've been working with computers for over 30 years, and I'm 40. No official certified training, just a lifetime of being a geek. They still call me for the hard problems and never complain about the bill when it comes.

My understanding is there are "boot camp" test prep courses that are worthless then there are (apparently) some real cert programs.

Comment Re: Compromise combos don't work (Score 1) 219

"In fact a good laptop and a good tablet will cost less than a surface."

A Surface 2 (running Windows RT) costs $449 - I question the quality of a 'good' laptop and 'good' tablet you can get for less than $449...

A Surface Pro 3 starts at $749 - list price, less in qty. - that gets you close to 'good' laptops and tablets.

he wasn't referring to windows RT surface.

Comment Re:Nonsense (Score 1) 219

draconian licensing is an issue no matter what company is doing it.

Microsoft, Autodesk, Sony and Allen Bradley are the ones I deal with personally. They all assume their customers are criminals, based on the licensing schemes.

To be fair though the Autodesk licensing isn't so bad once you get it working.

Siemens software licensing seems to be pretty fair and easy to live with.

Comment Re:How will this help me play angry birds? (Score 1) 75

I think this is totally awesome, really I do. But I'm not really sure what I'd use it for.

What sort of everyday things would someone use a scanner for? (No, scanning a widget to make a 3d printed version of it does not count as everyday.)

3d printing is the future, this goes along with that.

Comment Re:I R Pharaoh! (Score 1) 368

pshaw, personal space programs are so 00's!
The new hotness is life extension research and personal immortality.

Minecraft is already pretty transhuman.

You can change your skin at will, appearing in different worlds with a completely different appearance but it's still you. You can die on one world and appear on another world with a different skin - but it's still you.

I know many modern sci fi novels have embraced this body swapping idea either as a main plot point or as a normal practice in the sci-fi universe.

Comment Re:So if I... (Score 1) 363

Thats nothing. I use a VPN everyday for my company's cloud based accounting system. My entire department is staffed by pirates.

The BBC is Tone Deaf .... With the revelations that the NSA and the GCHQ are basically tapping THE WORLD how the expletive do they NOT expect ... The World ... to start using VPN?

You can buy a year subscription to privateinternetaccess for something like $35, you can pay with bitcoin, and you can use it on PC, linux, and android and presumably iOS and mac. And there are others but that's what I got, just for kicks. It even comes with a DEDICATED PROXY that you can plug into uTorrent. HA HA HA. and it works. It all works seamlessly and reliably and very very fastly.

But of course I've only downloaded linux distros with it and not top gear episodes.

VPN are only going to get more commonplace for every day internet using. Because screw you, NSA.

Comment Re:Sorry guys, but you are full of shit (Score 1) 533

This request by ATT is a desperate grasp to stay relevant.

ATT has one asset, and that is countless miles of copper strewn about the country. Very old copper. Aging. Decrepit.

Where I live there are a couple ways to get DSL service, but they ALL lease the ATT phone lines. I've had their service from a local telecom, and there were TONS of problems, and all of the problems were with the crap ATT phone lines themselves.

The copper works fine for voice, and will work for data as well, up to what, 20 megabit MAX? Most places can only manage 3 megabit, some 1.5 megabit under ideal conditions, such as no rain or high wind recently.

If the very definition of "Broadband" moves to 10, ATT will no longer be able to call what they sell broadband. This is because the infrastructure that they have milked to death and are likely unable to truly maintain at this point will be unable to provide that service to many places.

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