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Comment Just in time for my Crowdsourcing Currency! (Score 1) 203

Instead of hashcash, it would use proof-of-work like "cat"aloging lolcat pics. The masses of homeless people would "mine" lolcat pics all day instead of panhandling ("I canz has a coin,man?").

Seriously, though, hashcash needs to be replaced with something more useful. Prime coin seems to be on the right path, but I am sure this area is still way under tapped.

Comment Environment vs Genetics (Score 1) 366

Some are caused by carcinogens but most are random misprints.

It seems there is some research pointing to the contrary.

The /. summary also mentions that cancer is about to overtake heart disease as the number 1 cause of death. Accordingly, can we deduce that increase of lifespan is increasing relatively faster than the increase of environmental causes of cancer? I would sincerely like to believe that, but the ./ summary is not enough for me to adopt such an optimistic view.

Can anyone here please provide some sources supporting the view that the current cancer epidemic is being driven by increased longevity and not environmental causes?

Comment Re:The problem isn't GMO (Score -1, Troll) 419

>There is no health issues.

Interesting, have you researched this exhaustively or am I to expect the usual /. rigorous standard was used before you posted that? You do realize that people are so frail that they sometimes die from a peanut, right?

Really, the obvious solution to GMO is full disclosure. In fact, I would like full disclosure of all the foods I eat, including their full genome sequence. Once things are disclosed, then it becomes my responsibility to avoid things that may cause me harm (we can call it OSF or "Open Source Food").

Patents are also an issue, but just saying there are no potential health issues without having any clue what has been altered or who is eating it displays total ignorance to history and a poor understanding of risk management. Unless, of course, you are taking full liability for any harm that may result at some point in time. In which case, god bless you and please provide additional information about your identity so that a compensation fund can be established (or not . . . time will tell, but thanks for assuming the risk!).

Comment LEDs are ready (Score 3, Informative) 1146

On outside lights that I run 12 hours a day (er, "night"), LEDs had a very short payback on electricity savings. Six months, I believe. In fact, I later bought an EV and a large portion of my commuting electricity was covered by electricity savings from that very small investment. I am now converting over the rest of the house as bulbs die, prioritizing usage level and difficult to change light bulbs.

LEDs are already here for those who like to make investments instead of "consume" things.

Comment Re:Best of both worlds with Crouton (Score 1) 139

Agreed, but I rarely have to reboot. Even when the battery is very low and I am away from a plug, sleep mode has been sufficient. This must be due to the Arm chip. It is surprising that we don't see more Arm chip laptops (Haswell will be interesting, but it faces a high bar in the chromebook space).

Comment Re:Best of both worlds with Crouton (Score 1) 139

On the Samsung Arm Chromebook (that I am using right now) I am able to use Netflix in ChromeOS and Crouton, without issue. I do have to be in developer mode, and the only setback to this is that the boot takes longer because of a warning screen (and two annoying beeps), but I do not reboot often. Maybe you are using a different type of Chromebook?

Comment Re:Best of both worlds with Crouton (Score 1) 139

Interesting. Personally, I would consider someone with physical access to my machine to have access to all the data on the device, since I am too lazy to encrypt. However, knowing that, I tend to avoid putting very important data on this device. More important projects I have usually go on a separate machine that I only access by ssh (which can only be accessed through my local network . . . I know . . . maybe Google has installed a key-logger on this device and will tunnel through it to get to my server . . . but I think my "black box" router is a bigger threat at this point, so . . .).

I would be interested to know what kind of data Crouton sends to Google. But I think that risk also would apply to using any binary code (e.g. router), which can be quite difficult to avoid, at least all the time. I think it is a balance of practicality vs idealism. Personally, I believe open will win in the end as technology and human culture advance. But I still really want to use a cellphone, even though I know it is closed and extremely insecure.

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