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Comment Re:WRONG! (Score 1) 279

I took O-chem; never heard of orgo. And O-chem wasn't that hard.

Indeed, orgo sounds more like an abbreviation for something that might happen in your bedroom on a lucky night.

I never found it hard to just say "organic chem" (though I usually called analytical chemistry "anal chem", despite the fact that I loved it). And while many students do seem to spend a lot of time memorising things, I found that by spending enough time actually thinking about chemistry, I quite suddenly "got it", and it made sense without having to memorise anything more than a few names of common types of compound.

Comment Re:Ooh I know this one (Score 3, Insightful) 200

2) If you are serious about actually storing stuff, get yourself a server and secure it.

I hate those FTFY posts, but if you are really serious about storing stuff, then you should do it yourself. The so-called "cloud" services might be convenient (depending on the cost and availability of your internet connection), but they are totally out of your control, especially if you care even the slightest about security.

Comment Re:Warning, caused problems. (Score 1) 65

...and the internet doesn't work. Both WiFi and cellular icons are grey and all apps complain of no internet.

If you open up a terminal emulator and ping a valid IP adress, it'll probably work, which means that the internet isn't broken. The grey doubt icons are simply an indication that Google's location services aren't working with your phone. I also have a GNex (Maguro), and this "issue" (FWIW) was fixed by simply downloading the appropriate Gapps package for CM10.2.


Comment Re:any Android device imaginable? (Score 2) 65

... but less than half of devices currently for sale from phone carriers or independent stores are supported by CM.

Perhaps, but where CM shines is in its support for devices no longer being actively sold or supported, which even with brands like Samsung can happen only months after you've bought the phone.

Comment Re:Daylight Saving Time (Score 1) 545

Actually, it is just called Summer Time. Daylight Saving Time is American dialect.

That depends. In the British Isles, it is known as "Summer Time" but in Australia as "daylight saving" (or a variety of more colourful epithets).

For the record: in the Australian context, the business community has made several attempts to force daylight saving[s] time on Western Australia over the years when I was resident there, but it was (and is) hugely unpopular, largely because for political reasons the "normal" datum is already ahead of the natural time for the longitude. Stepping out into 40-degree Celsius heat and blazing sunshine at 7.00pm gets old very quickly. However, now that I live in Tasmania, at a much lower latitude, changing the clocks makes slightly more sense, except that the dawn and dusk twilight periods make fiddling with the clocks more or less redundant.

Comment Re:Calvary? Really? (Score 1) 404

Fair enough - and you'll note I did acknowledge the likelihood of a "whoosh" moment. ;-)

OT and for the record, though, I used to have no formal objection to the term "twerking" until I saw the most ignoble moment of Australian politics in the form of a clip of that fat creepy billionaire, Clive Palmer twerking for votes. If only some things could be retrospectively "unseen"...

Comment Re:Nexus 5: Can it run linux? (Score 1) 358

Is it really a problem? If you really need to use an X server, you would frankly be better off doing so on a desktop or laptop machine, so you don't have to punish yourself with a touchscreen keypad. If all you actually need is a TTY with access to the usual *nix command line tools, you can use busybox (root required) with any of the terminal emulators already available.

Having said that, by the time I get around to buying myself a tablet, hopefully the Android versions of LibreOffice will be mature enough to be useful...

Comment Re: welcome to the socialist wonderland (Score 3, Interesting) 206

Double? Try 20% more nominal, and 19% less (PPP).

For many of us, the cost of living in Australia is vastly more expensive. An example: we in Australia pay approximately double per litre of petrol (gasoline) - which, for those of us who don't live in major metropolitan areas and have to make a 110km round trip to get to work and back every day, makes for a very big hit in the back pocket.

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