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Comment east coast hurricanes (Score 1) 191

Bottom 1/2 of the garage fridge is frozen water.
Always plenty of foodstuffs around
Propane and charcoal grills to cook on
In the event of actually having to bug out, one of the laptops and the main USB secondary drive that normally lives attached to the house HTPC/server. In addition to a few things in cloud storage.

Anything else...home owners insurance.

Comment Re:The three made some mistakes (Score 1) 231

And in June 2012, it was constitutional in NYC. I agree with you....that is a completely wrong concept. But wrong or right, it was the law of the land.

As far as the Black/not Black may think it is deeply offensive/racist. Others may look at it as getting shot or not getting shot.

Comment Re:The main problem with all elec (Score 1) 247

When I bought this house, I had a minivan. Kids, etc. There was zero stuff in the single car garage, besides the water heater, washer, dryer. Which is where that stuff lives in this market.
Day 1, I opened the garage door, pulled the minivan in..."OK, this isn't going to work well"

lawnmower, bikes, tools....or the car. One or the other. The cars, being hardshelled devices, survive outside much better than all the other things.

Comment The main problem with all elec (Score 2, Insightful) 247

The main problem with all electric cars, so far, is needing to have a personal garage to park it in to recharge. If I live in apartment, I can't charge it. If the garage of my single family home is otherwise taken up with 'stuff', I can't plug it in.

Eventually that issue will change. But for today, how can I buy an all electric if I have no where to plug it in?
Even if it were sold for $300, I still cannot plug it in!

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"Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra and then suddenly it flips over, pinning you underneath. At night, the ice weasels come." --Matt Groening
