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Comment Re:Some random CEO passed away? Oh noes! (Score 1) 176

No, it gathered a clickbait post here, so it is fair bait for ridicule.
I'd never heard of him, nor the company.

If the CEO of my former employer, that operates in sort of the same space, but is probably quite a bit larger, were to pass away...I would not expect to read of his demise in here.
But this particular guy is Facebook related, so Dice must genuflect properly.

I fully commiserate with the family and company. But really?

Comment Re:Far too expensive for a used car (Score 2) 65

Drivetrain wear. And seat cushions, and pedal surfaces, and all that other stuff that shows wear damage after use.
Yes, they are great cars. But why would I pay $60-70K for a used one, when a new one isn't that much more?

A BMW, $50k new. A few years old, $25k. That works. If that used BMW were $45k...that would NOT work.

Comment Re:One word: Cloud (Score 2) 246

Oh jebus. It's not that cut and dried. 15 years ago, a boyfriend of one of my daughters got busted for pot. He was 15 or 16. Black kid, from a far below living wage single mother family. In Redneckistan Virginia.
You know what happened to him? The cop brought him to my house (mom was out of town, I think). "Sir...would you take responsibility for this dude?" 'Yeah, I guess'. The cop then drove off. No lawyer, no PD, no court, no actual charges.

But no. The collective /. mind believes that anyone not fully monied and lawyered up automatically gets gets the full sentence in PMITA prison.

Actual life doesn't work like that.

The boyfriend got the 'dad speech' from me ("you dumbass"), but I don't think it stuck. He remained a dumbass.

For this fire to the computer lab is a pretty serious deal. There is only so much a lawyer can do for you. But I suspect if this a first offense....probation.

Comment Re:One word: Cloud (Score 4, Informative) 246

Nobody was hurt, the next day it was business as usual. So give this kid a reasonable sentence for the damage done, and let him have a chance to see his error and learn from it. The lesson should be that he was lucky that this didn't turn into something really big. Next time his luck may change, and this experience may hold him back then. Send him to prison for seven years and he will come out as a wreck or as a professional criminal. Who wants that?

And we out here have zero idea of what his actual sentence will be. Yes, the max penalties for his felonies add up to 'years'. Will he actually get consecutive, max duration, penalty for each of them? Highly doubtful.
This, of course, depends on any past interaction with the legal system. If he is a repeat offender, then yes, he may well get the max. Otherwise, probably not.

Comment Re:Cost of Programmers Cost of Engines (Score -1, Flamebait) 125

Time is money. Engines can be free all they want, but that doesn't automatically mean they'll save you money. A careful cost-analysis should be done for any product, especially one that's going to completely dictate your production process. An engine has got to solve more problems than it causes--all the way down to the mouse clicks used in the production of assets--to warrant the cash.

Similarly, this should be loudly repeated for anyone proposing a switch from Windows ($$$) to Linux (free!)

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