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Comment Re:Simple (Score 1) 509

> Never own a credit card. They are all scams and are far more likely to ruin your credit than help it.

That's terrible advice. The best way to improve your credit is to actually have credit in the first place. A good credit score is a balancing act involving increasing the length of time you've had credit, minimizing 30/60/90 day lates (or more accurately, not having any), and having a good amount of available revolving credit (but not too much). The point is to demonstrate that you can be responsible with a decent amount of credit for a significant amount of time.

Not having a credit card whatsoever does not help you, it only hurts you. Think about it, if a friend asked you for money, you'd feel more at ease if the two of you had a history wherein he demonstrated that he could promptly repay you, and over a longer period of time paying back small amounts of money, you'd feel more comfortable lending him larger amounts of money.

The best thing to do is to get a credit card and pay it off in full every month. Pretend that the card is an extension of your checking account and never spend more money than you can put your hands on in any given month.

Comment Re:Creativity is certainly future-proof (Score 1) 509

The problem with medicine is tuition. A friend of mine got out of dental school about four years ago and has $330,000 in debt. I'm sure tuition today is higher still. By the time this girl is done an MD is going to cost a million dollars. Next, with malpractice insurance and the byzantine regulations, it's very difficult to be a doctor with your own practice these days. Everybody is ending up having to work for the big hospitals, or clinics administered by the big hospitals. Now you're just a salaried employee, getting what they'll pay you.

Doctorin' ain't the path to riches it used to be.

Comment Capitalist (Score 5, Insightful) 509

We all know eventually the only ones profiting will be those who own the robots. So become a capitalist. Take that money she was going to spend on a college education and start a business instead. A few rules, though:

1) It must not be something other people do for free for fun. Don't become a photographer.
2) It must be something where eventually other people do the work while you make the money. Don't become a freelancer.
3) It must be scalable. That is, adding workers/locations/production increases profits. This is similar to "don't be a freelancer," as there are only so many hours in your day.
4) When you're finished, you can sell the business to somebody else. That is, it must be a business that accumulates assets, rather than just service contracts.

Good luck.

Comment Re:No one cares, so why does it matter? (Score 2) 278

No. There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury, ammo. Use in that order.

We're still on soap. Our patriotic duty is to bitch about the current situation on the internet, to bitch about it on Facebook, to our friends and family, to write our representatives.

As for ballot, we have not had an election since the Snowden leaks broke. We do not yet know how big a deal domestic spying will be in 2014 and 2016 election campaigns.

Jury as well is just getting started. Now that Greenwald and Snowden have named some names with documented proof, those five men who were unjustly spied upon can start suing.

I don't think the first three boxes will be exhausted for at least five years. That said, I find it telling that the NRA crowd has said exactly nothing about this entire mess. They talk like this is their wet dream. For reals tyranny! Defense of liberty and all that crap! And nothing. They're never going to anything, because their entire idea that small arms mean a damn thing in 2014 against tanks and apache helicopters is stupid.

Comment Re:No one cares, so why does it matter? (Score 4, Interesting) 278

I support private gun ownership, simply because I believe self-defense is a natural right of all people, and handguns are the most appropriate tool for the job.

That said, this entire situation puts lie to the NRA, pro second amendment claim that "we gots to have our guns to protect from teh tyranny! The 2nd amendment protects all the others!"

You want to see tyranny? Well, here it is. The NSA is executing general warrants. There is no authorization for any government agency to do that in the constitution. The issuance of general warrants was one of the primary reasons the founding father declared independence. In the 1760s the King's men had general warrants they were using to search colonists' homes, rifling through their papers looking for seditious materials and unpaid taxes. About this Thomas Paine wrote "These are the times that try men's souls."

So, 2nd amendment heroes, here ya go. They've nullified the 4th amendment. It only allows specific warrants, and these are general warrants. So you going to round up your militia and march on the Utah data center? Demand access so you can shut the system down? What's that? Not a peep out of you fuckers? Then shut the fuck about the goddamn second amendment. Defense against tyranny my ass.

Comment Re:No one cares, so why does it matter? (Score 1) 278

The House of Representatives have held votes to defend NSA spying programs. The results have been close. Let's see what happens when people have a chance to vote for a representative and ask the question, "domestic spying, for or against?" It wouldn't take many representatives to flip that vote.

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