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Comment selling your vote versus the secret ballot (Score 4, Insightful) 480

The secret ballot has two purposes. one is it maintains your privacy and that's good for you. The other is it prevents selling your vote and that's good for the public. If I have a bitcoin ballot then I can easily transfer that coin to someone else to vote. thus I can sell my vote and the buyer knows for sure how it will be cast.

Comment transparency (Score 1) 480

the purpose of elections is to convince the public the election was fair. crytpography isn't transparent. worse in some forms of crytography it gains security from centralization of the key control making single point of attack more likely. It's much better when the public can see how the election works.

Comment not really a bug just a behavior (Score 4, Informative) 49

any browser, especially ones that do pre-fetching, reveal the same details. pre-fetching can send your OS and browser details, even cookies, to sites you never visit. This isn't seen as a disaster and those are not deep secrets. Mail is doing this one step deeper by automatically pre-fetching all your e-mails. But seriously, most people delete there e-mails by clicking on the e-mail and hitting the trashcan. so that fetch happens. only some folks will devise strategies to actually not look at an e-maiul before deleting it. and for them , they can exclude e-mail from previe and spotlight.

I already remove e-mail from spotlight just because I don't want e-mails poping up in my searches under an employees name. that could get embarassing if the employee is there while I'm searching for some document we created together.

Comment A superior simpler hypothesis of why this happens (Score 1) 113

your post and all the other posts here assume that there is some means for the mother deer to tell if she has a weakling in the oven or not, and then also has means to choose to miscarry weaklings.

Here's a less complicated hypothesis that has the same effect: Human's and chimps share >99% of their DNA. But an X and a Y chromosome are largely different. A human male baby is more similar to a male chimp than to his own mother. Whereas a human female baby is more simillar to her mother than a female chimp.

there is thus a much stronger possibility of a male fetus having a negative immune reaction to antigens from the mother. Normally a healthy mother and a healthy fetus can tolerate some mismatch. If the male is more robust or perhaps simply more developed early in the development process then the probability of tolerating the mismatch is higher than for a less developed/less robust fetus.

This is a simpler and more intrnsic mechanism that should be common across mammals.

Comment should be banned or regulated (Score 4, Interesting) 237

Lyft and Uber drivers should have to follow the same not-free regs as taxi drivers. things like displaying a hack lic, certification of insurance or bonding, and penalties for systematic race discrimination are things that taxi drivers and their companies are required to follow. Undercutting these is not a good idea.

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