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Comment Re:LOL .. 0.9.0? (Score 1) 173

Have you seen the current banking system? Credit cards have the same username and password. It's written in big numbers on the front of the card. Checks only need one easily faked signature. PIN numbers on bank cards are only 4 digit numbers. Magnetic strip bank cards can be easily copied with cheap equipment. Identity theft is rampant due to insecurity everywhere. North Korea has been printing US dollar notes for years now, the copies are so good US banks can't even tell the difference.

BitCoin, or something like it, has strong advantages over the current insecure mess. It actually uses hard math instead of trivially faked or copied nonsense.

Comment Re:Just in time for another price dive (Score 1) 173

Right now, Bitcoins are exceedingly un-useful besides speculation.

That just isn't true. I brought a nice meal with bitcoins earlier today. You can also buy all sorts of legal things from some really huge suppliers like overstock.

Bitcoins have essentially no banking costs unlike the huge costs involved with accepting VISA or Mastercard. They are the perfect tool for small merchants who can't afford to have their entire profit margins eaten by banks.

Comment Re:Just in time for another price dive (Score 1) 173

You can buy lots of nice things with Bitcoin right now, I do all the time. Food, computer parts, bed sheets, all sorts of things. Bitcoin allows sellers to sell without getting robbed by banks. Obviously you should get the reviews of people you deal with in any currency.

If you give cash, bitcoin, gold, or anything else to anonymous drug dealers or shady investment manager snake oil merchants you will be robbed. Don't do that. This isn't something that only happens in the bitcoin world.

Comment Re:What? (Score 1) 173

Are you fucking kidding me? Bug fixes for a currency?
Why? The Federal reserve calls these "Quantitative Easing". We've had three major patches in as many years, along with quite a few minor updates to those outside the normal update release cycle.

Thats nothing like the same thing. The Fed prints more money to bail out their irresponsible friends. Bitcoin adds features that do something useful.

Comment Re:Unregulated currency (Score 1) 704

Second, the largest bitcoin mining operation has sufficient horsepower that it can manipulate any bitcoin it wants.

I don't think that's actually true. Even if they did have 51%+ of the mining power they could not alter transactions that had already been made and they could not steal coins. The only thing they could do was to not include transactions in the block chain, effectively stalling them forever.

Comment Re:Unregulated currency (Score 1) 704

We should consider Bitcoin's repeated failures due to its unregulated nature a warning against deregulating the banks.

What failed was the whole idea of trusting random websites. Naive people are going to get ripped off for BitCoin just like they have always been ripped off for dollars. Sad but true.

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